
139 lines
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2022-09-05 01:48:43 +00:00
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::Arc;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use sqlx::{Executor, Pool, Sqlite};
use sqlx::migrate::Migrator;
use sqlx::sqlite::{SqliteConnectOptions, SqlitePoolOptions};
2022-09-10 07:06:49 +00:00
use tokio::runtime::Handle;
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use uuid::Uuid;
2022-09-03 12:59:06 +00:00
use crate::config::Config;
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
use crate::pack::Pack;
mod pack;
mod message;
mod web;
mod util;
2022-09-03 12:59:06 +00:00
mod config;
2022-09-09 10:10:15 +00:00
mod consts;
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
static MIGRATOR: Migrator = sqlx::migrate!();
pub struct State {
2022-09-03 12:59:06 +00:00
pub config: Config,
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
pub db: Pool<Sqlite>,
pub packs: RwLock<HashMap<Uuid, Pack>>,
impl State {
pub async fn update_packs(&self) -> Result<()> {
let mut packs = HashMap::new();
2022-09-03 12:59:06 +00:00
let mut dir = tokio::fs::read_dir(&self.config.packs).await?;
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
while let Ok(Some(entry)) = dir.next_entry().await {
if !entry.path().is_file() {
match entry.path().extension().and_then(|x| x.to_str()) {
Some("yaml") | Some("yml") => {}
_ => continue,
let text = match tokio::fs::read_to_string(entry.path()).await {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("error reading pack: {:#?}", e);
match serde_yaml::from_str::<Pack>(&text) {
Ok(pack) => {
println!("added {}",;
packs.insert(, pack);
Err(e) => eprintln!("error parsing pack at {:?}: {:#?}", entry.path(), e),
*self.packs.write().await = packs;
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
2022-09-03 12:59:06 +00:00
let args: Vec<String> = std::env::args().skip(1).collect();
if args.is_empty() {
eprintln!("usage: server [config]");
return Ok(());
let config_str = tokio::fs::read_to_string(&args[0])
.with_context(|| format!("could not read config file at {}", args[0]))?;
let config: Config = toml::from_str(&config_str)
.context("could not parse config file")?;
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
let options = SqliteConnectOptions::new();
// options.log_statements(LevelFilter::Debug);
let pool = SqlitePoolOptions::new()
.after_connect(|conn, _| Box::pin(async move {
// language=sqlite
"PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;"
2022-09-03 12:59:06 +00:00
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
.context("could not connect to database")?;
.context("could not run database migrations")?;
let state = Arc::new(State {
2022-09-03 12:59:06 +00:00
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
db: pool,
packs: Default::default(),
2022-09-03 13:55:36 +00:00
println!("adding packs");
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
2022-09-10 07:06:49 +00:00
spawn_command_reader(Arc::clone(&state), Handle::current());
2022-09-05 08:23:10 +00:00
let address = state.config.address;
2022-09-03 13:55:36 +00:00
println!("listening at {}", address);
2022-09-03 12:59:06 +00:00
2022-09-03 10:35:15 +00:00
2022-09-10 07:06:49 +00:00
fn spawn_command_reader(state: Arc<State>, handle: Handle) {
std::thread::spawn(move || {
let mut line = String::new();
while let Ok(size) = std::io::stdin().read_line(&mut line) {
let read = line[..size].trim();
match read {
"reload packs" => {
let state = Arc::clone(&state);
handle.spawn(async move {
if let Err(e) = state.update_packs().await {
eprintln!("failed to update packs: {:#?}", e);
_ => {}