Anna d00b3b0845 feat: better handle puncutation
Certain symbols are turned into one space so the model sees multiple
words instead of one. Previously "[RP]Hi" would turn into "RPHi" and
be its own token. Now it turns into "RP" and "Hi", counting as two
tokens. This change increased the model's accuracy.

Also make "18", "http", "https", and LGBT-related words into stop
words (meaning they're ignored). Each of these stop words made the
model more accurate and reduced unwanted bias.

Messages destined for ML are now normalised by the plugin in the same
way the model's input is for training. This should make the results
come closer to expected.
2021-02-17 20:01:34 -05:00

180 lines
7.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using ConsoleTables;
using CsvHelper;
using CsvHelper.Configuration;
using Microsoft.ML;
using Microsoft.ML.Data;
using Microsoft.ML.Transforms.Text;
using NoSoliciting.Interface;
using NoSoliciting.Internal.Interface;
namespace NoSoliciting.Trainer {
internal static class Program {
private static void Main(string[] args) {
var full = args[0] == "create";
var ctx = new MLContext(1);
List<Data> records;
using (var fileStream = new FileStream("../../../data.csv", FileMode.Open)) {
using var stream = new StreamReader(fileStream);
using var csv = new CsvReader(stream, new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) {
HeaderValidated = null,
records = csv
.OrderBy(rec => rec.Category)
.ThenBy(rec => rec.Channel)
.ThenBy(rec => rec.Message)
using (var fileStream = new FileStream("../../../data.csv", FileMode.Create)) {
using var stream = new StreamWriter(fileStream);
using var csv = new CsvWriter(stream, new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) {
NewLine = "\n",
var classes = new Dictionary<string, uint>();
foreach (var record in records) {
// normalise the message
record.Message = NoSolUtil.Normalise(record.Message, true);
// keep track of how many message of each category we have
if (!classes.ContainsKey(record.Category!)) {
classes[record.Category] = 0;
classes[record.Category] += 1;
// calculate class weights
var weights = new Dictionary<string, float>();
foreach (var (category, count) in classes) {
var nSamples = (float) records.Count;
var nClasses = (float) classes.Count;
var nSamplesJ = (float) count;
var w = nSamples / (nClasses * nSamplesJ);
weights[category] = w;
var df = ctx.Data.LoadFromEnumerable(records);
var ttd = ctx.Data.TrainTestSplit(df, 0.2, seed: 1);
var compute = new Data.ComputeContext(weights);
var pipeline = ctx.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey("Label", nameof(Data.Category))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.CustomMapping(compute.GetMapping(), "Compute"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Text.NormalizeText("MsgNormal", nameof(Data.Message), keepPunctuations: false))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Text.TokenizeIntoWords("MsgTokens", "MsgNormal"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Text.RemoveDefaultStopWords("MsgNoDefStop", "MsgTokens"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Text.RemoveStopWords("MsgNoStop", "MsgNoDefStop",
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Conversion.MapValueToKey("MsgKey", "MsgNoStop"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Text.ProduceNgrams("MsgNgrams", "MsgKey", weighting: NgramExtractingEstimator.WeightingCriteria.Tf))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.NormalizeLpNorm("FeaturisedMessage", "MsgNgrams"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("CPartyFinder", "PartyFinder"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("CShout", "Shout"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("CTrade", "ContainsTradeWords"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("CSketch", "ContainsSketchUrl"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("HasWard", "ContainsWard"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("HasPlot", "ContainsPlot"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Conversion.ConvertType("HasNumbers", "ContainsHousingNumbers"))
.Append(ctx.Transforms.Concatenate("Features", "FeaturisedMessage", "CPartyFinder", "CShout", "CTrade", "HasWard", "HasPlot", "HasNumbers", "CSketch"))
.Append(ctx.MulticlassClassification.Trainers.SdcaMaximumEntropy(exampleWeightColumnName: "Weight"))
var train = full ? df : ttd.TrainSet;
var model = pipeline.Fit(train);
if (full) {
ctx.Model.Save(model, train.Schema, @"../../../");
var testPredictions = model.Transform(ttd.TestSet);
var eval = ctx.MulticlassClassification.Evaluate(testPredictions);
var predEngine = ctx.Model.CreatePredictionEngine<Data, Prediction>(model);
var slotNames = new VBuffer<ReadOnlyMemory<char>>();
predEngine.OutputSchema["Score"].GetSlotNames(ref slotNames);
var names = slotNames.DenseValues()
.Select(column => column.ToString())
var cols = new string[1 + names.Count];
cols[0] = "";
for (var j = 0; j < names.Count; j++) {
cols[j + 1] = names[j];
var table = new ConsoleTable(cols);
for (var i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) {
var name = names[i];
var confuse = eval.ConfusionMatrix.Counts[i];
var row = new object[1 + confuse.Count];
row[0] = name;
for (var j = 0; j < confuse.Count; j++) {
row[j + 1] = confuse[j];
Console.WriteLine($"Log loss : {eval.LogLoss * 100}");
Console.WriteLine($"Macro acc: {eval.MacroAccuracy * 100}");
Console.WriteLine($"Micro acc: {eval.MicroAccuracy * 100}");
if (full) {
while (true) {
var msg = Console.ReadLine()!.Trim();
var parts = msg.Split(' ', 2);
ushort.TryParse(parts[0], out var channel);
var input = new Data {
Channel = channel,
// PartyFinder = channel == 0,
Message = NoSolUtil.Normalise(parts[1], true),
var pred = predEngine.Predict(input);
for (var i = 0; i < names.Count; i++) {
Console.WriteLine($" {names[i]}: {pred.Probabilities[i] * 100}");