Anna c3df0a1f8e feat: add normalisation to pipeline
Add a step to normalise messages to the ML pipeline. This ensures
computed properties run on the raw data (which is actually partially
normalised by the compute context). This prevents properties which
rely on symbols (e.g. "B>") from being unable to work properly when
normalisation happens before they have access to the input.
2021-02-17 21:45:09 -05:00

232 lines
8.0 KiB

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using JKang.IpcServiceFramework.Client;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using NoSoliciting.Interface;
using Resourcer;
using YamlDotNet.Core;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions;
namespace NoSoliciting.Ml {
public class MlFilter : IDisposable {
public static string? LastError { get; private set; }
private const string ManifestName = "manifest.yaml";
private const string ModelName = "";
private const string Url = "http://localhost:8000/manifest.yaml";
private const string Url = "";
public uint Version { get; }
private Process Process { get; }
private IIpcClient<IClassifier> Classifier { get; }
private MlFilter(uint version, Process process, IIpcClient<IClassifier> classifier) {
this.Process = process;
this.Classifier = classifier;
this.Version = version;
public MessageCategory ClassifyMessage(ushort channel, string message) {
var prediction = this.Classifier.InvokeAsync(classifier => classifier.Classify(channel, message)).Result;
var category = MessageCategoryExt.FromString(prediction);
if (category != null) {
return (MessageCategory) category;
PluginLog.LogWarning($"Unknown message category: {prediction}");
return MessageCategory.Normal;
public static async Task<MlFilter?> Load(Plugin plugin) {
var manifest = await DownloadManifest();
if (manifest == null) {
return null;
byte[]? data = null;
var localManifest = LoadCachedManifest(plugin);
if (localManifest != null && localManifest.Version == manifest.Item1.Version) {
try {
data = File.ReadAllBytes(CachedFilePath(plugin, ModelName));
} catch (IOException) {
// ignored
data ??= await DownloadModel(manifest.Item1.ModelUrl);
if (data == null) {
return null;
UpdateCachedFile(plugin, ModelName, data);
UpdateCachedFile(plugin, ManifestName, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(manifest.Item2));
var pluginFolder = Util.PluginFolder(plugin);
var pidPath = Path.Combine(pluginFolder, "");
// close the old classifier if it's still open
var exePath = await ExtractClassifier(pluginFolder);
var process = StartClassifier(exePath, pidPath);
var client = await CreateClassifierClient(data);
return new MlFilter(manifest.Item1.Version, process!, client);
private static async Task<IIpcClient<IClassifier>> CreateClassifierClient(byte[] data) {
var serviceProvider = new ServiceCollection()
.AddNamedPipeIpcClient<IClassifier>("client", (_, options) => {
options.PipeName = "NoSoliciting.MessageClassifier";
options.Serializer = new BetterIpcSerialiser();
var clientFactory = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IIpcClientFactory<IClassifier>>();
var client = clientFactory.CreateClient("client");
await client.InvokeAsync(classifier => classifier.Initialise(data));
return client;
private static Process StartClassifier(string exePath, string pidPath) {
var game = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(exePath) {
CreateNoWindow = true,
UseShellExecute = false,
Arguments = $"{game.Id} \"{game.ProcessName}\"",
var process = Process.Start(startInfo);
File.WriteAllText(pidPath, process!.Id.ToString());
return process;
private static async Task<string> ExtractClassifier(string pluginFolder) {
using var exe = Resource.AsStream("NoSoliciting.NoSoliciting.MessageClassifier.exe");
var exePath = Path.Combine(pluginFolder, "NoSoliciting.MessageClassifier.exe");
using var exeFile = File.Create(exePath);
await exe.CopyToAsync(exeFile);
return exePath;
private static void CloseOldClassifier(string pidPath) {
if (!File.Exists(pidPath)) {
if (!int.TryParse(File.ReadAllText(pidPath).Trim(), out var pid)) {
try {
var old = Process.GetProcessById(pid);
if (old.ProcessName != "NoSoliciting.MessageClassifier.exe") {
} catch (ArgumentException) {
// ignore
private static async Task<byte[]?> DownloadModel(Uri url) {
try {
using var client = new WebClient();
var data = await client.DownloadDataTaskAsync(url);
return data;
} catch (WebException e) {
PluginLog.LogError("Could not download newest model.");
LastError = e.Message;
return null;
private static string CachedFilePath(IDalamudPlugin plugin, string name) {
var pluginFolder = Util.PluginFolder(plugin);
return Path.Combine(pluginFolder, name);
private static async void UpdateCachedFile(IDalamudPlugin plugin, string name, byte[] data) {
var cachePath = CachedFilePath(plugin, name);
var file = File.OpenWrite(cachePath);
await file.WriteAsync(data, 0, data.Length);
await file.FlushAsync();
private static async Task<Tuple<Manifest, string>?> DownloadManifest() {
try {
using var client = new WebClient();
var data = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(Url);
LastError = null;
return Tuple.Create(LoadYaml<Manifest>(data), data);
} catch (Exception e) when (e is WebException || e is YamlException) {
PluginLog.LogError("Could not download newest model manifest.");
LastError = e.Message;
return null;
private static Manifest? LoadCachedManifest(IDalamudPlugin plugin) {
var manifestPath = CachedFilePath(plugin, ManifestName);
if (!File.Exists(manifestPath)) {
return null;
string data;
try {
data = File.ReadAllText(manifestPath);
} catch (IOException) {
return null;
try {
return LoadYaml<Manifest>(data);
} catch (YamlException) {
return null;
private static T LoadYaml<T>(string data) {
var de = new DeserializerBuilder()
return de.Deserialize<T>(data);
public void Dispose() {
try {
} catch (Exception) {
// ignored