2020-09-04 14:00:57 -04:00

172 lines
5.4 KiB

using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling;
using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling.Payloads;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace NoSoliciting {
public class Message {
public Guid Id { get; private set; }
public DateTime Timestamp { get; private set; }
public ChatType ChatType { get; private set; }
public SeString Sender { get; private set; }
public SeString Content { get; private set; }
public string FilterReason { get; private set; }
public Message(ChatType type, SeString sender, SeString content, string reason) {
this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
this.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
this.ChatType = type;
this.Sender = sender;
this.Content = content;
this.FilterReason = reason;
public Message(ChatType type, string sender, string content, string reason) {
this.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
this.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
this.ChatType = type;
this.Sender = new SeString(new Payload[] { new TextPayload(sender) });
this.Content = new SeString(new Payload[] { new TextPayload(content) });
this.FilterReason = reason;
[JsonObject(NamingStrategyType = typeof(SnakeCaseNamingStrategy))]
private class JsonMessage {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
public ushort Type { get; set; }
// note: cannot use byte[] because Newtonsoft thinks it's a good idea to always base64 byte[]
// and I don't want to write a custom converter to overwrite their stupiditiy
public List<byte> Sender { get; set; }
public List<byte> Content { get; set; }
public string Reason { get; set; }
public string ToJson() {
JsonMessage msg = new JsonMessage {
Id = this.Id,
Timestamp = this.Timestamp,
Type = (ushort)this.ChatType,
Sender = this.Sender.Encode().ToList(),
Content = this.Content.Encode().ToList(),
Reason = this.FilterReason,
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg, new JsonSerializerSettings {
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None,
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Design", "CA1028:Enum Storage should be Int32")]
public enum ChatType : ushort {
None = 0,
Debug = 1,
Urgent = 2,
Notice = 3,
Say = 10,
Shout = 11,
TellOutgoing = 12,
TellIncoming = 13,
Party = 14,
Alliance = 15,
Ls1 = 16,
Ls2 = 17,
Ls3 = 18,
Ls4 = 19,
Ls5 = 20,
Ls6 = 21,
Ls7 = 22,
Ls8 = 23,
FreeCompany = 24,
NoviceNetwork = 27,
CustomEmote = 28,
StandardEmote = 29,
Yell = 30,
CrossParty = 32,
PvPTeam = 36,
CrossLinkShell1 = 37,
Echo = 56,
SystemMessage = 57,
SystemError = 58,
GatheringSystemMessage = 59,
ErrorMessage = 60,
NpcChat2 = 61,
ObtainGil = 62,
NpcChat = 68,
FCBuff = 69,
RetainerSale = 71,
PartyFinderSummary = 72,
CrossLinkShell2 = 101,
CrossLinkShell3 = 102,
CrossLinkShell4 = 103,
CrossLinkShell5 = 104,
CrossLinkShell6 = 105,
CrossLinkShell7 = 106,
CrossLinkShell8 = 107,
MailSent = 569,
FCMotd = 581,
BattleAbility = 2091,
SystemMessage2 = 2105,
SelfRevive = 2106,
SelfGainBuff = 2222,
SelfLoseBuff = 2224,
SelfOutgoingDamage = 2729,
SelfMiss = 2730,
DealDamage = 2857,
ActorDefeated = 2874,
ObtainItem = 2110,
ObtainExperience = 2112,
PlayerUsesAbility = 8235,
UseItem = 8236,
Revive = 8250,
LevelUpAchievement = 8256,
CraftItem = 8258,
AttackMiss = 8746,
RecoverHp = 8749,
GainBuff = 8750,
LoseBuff = 8752,
FCLoginLogout = 8774,
PlayerHitsEnemy = 9001,
PlayerDefeatsEnemy = 9018,
BattleEnemyAbility = 10283,
BattleIncomingDamage = 10409,
BattleEnemyMiss = 10410,
EnemyRestoreHp = 10925,
BattleEnemyAbility2 = 12331,
PlayerTakesDamage = 12841,
EnemyHitsFriendlyNpc = 13225,
FriendlyNpcCast = 14379,
FriendlyNpcHitsEnemy = 15145,
FriendlyNpcMissesEnemy = 15146,
FriendlyNpcGainBuff = 15278,
FriendlyNpcLoseBuff = 15280,
PetAbility = 22571,
PetCausesHpRecovery = 23085,
public static class ChatTypeExt {
public static bool IsBattle(this ChatType type) {
ushort id = (ushort)type;
if (id < 1_000) {
return false;
switch (type) {
case ChatType.CraftItem:
case ChatType.ObtainExperience:
case ChatType.ObtainItem:
case ChatType.LevelUpAchievement:
case ChatType.SystemMessage2:
return false;
return true;