Anna d00b3b0845 feat: better handle puncutation
Certain symbols are turned into one space so the model sees multiple
words instead of one. Previously "[RP]Hi" would turn into "RPHi" and
be its own token. Now it turns into "RP" and "Hi", counting as two
tokens. This change increased the model's accuracy.

Also make "18", "http", "https", and LGBT-related words into stop
words (meaning they're ignored). Each of these stop words made the
model more accurate and reduced unwanted bias.

Messages destined for ML are now normalised by the plugin in the same
way the model's input is for training. This should make the results
come closer to expected.
2021-02-17 20:01:34 -05:00

308 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Dalamud.Game.Chat;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using NoSoliciting.Interface;
using NoSoliciting.Properties;
using YamlDotNet.Core;
using YamlDotNet.Core.Events;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization.NamingConventions;
namespace NoSoliciting {
public class Definitions {
public static string? LastError { get; private set; }
public static DateTime? LastUpdate { get; set; }
private const string Url = "";
public uint Version { get; private set; }
public Uri ReportUrl { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string, Definition> Chat { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string, Definition> PartyFinder { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string, Definition> Global { get; private set; }
public static async Task<Definitions> UpdateAndCache(Plugin plugin) {
return LoadDefaults();
Definitions? defs = null;
var download = await Download().ConfigureAwait(true);
if (download != null) {
defs = download.Item1;
try {
UpdateCache(plugin, download.Item2);
} catch (IOException e) {
PluginLog.Log("Could not update cache.");
return defs ?? await CacheOrDefault(plugin).ConfigureAwait(true);
public static Definitions Load(string text) {
var de = new DeserializerBuilder()
.WithTypeConverter(new MatcherConverter())
return de.Deserialize<Definitions>(text);
private static async Task<Definitions> CacheOrDefault(Plugin plugin) {
if (plugin == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(plugin), "Plugin cannot be null");
var pluginFolder = Util.PluginFolder(plugin);
var cachedPath = Path.Combine(pluginFolder, "definitions.yaml");
if (!File.Exists(cachedPath)) {
goto LoadDefaults;
string text;
using (var file = File.OpenText(cachedPath)) {
text = await file.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(true);
try {
return Load(text);
} catch (YamlException e) {
PluginLog.Log($"Could not load cached definitions: {e}. Loading defaults.");
return LoadDefaults();
private static Definitions LoadDefaults() {
return Load(Resources.DefaultDefinitions);
private static async Task<Tuple<Definitions, string>?> Download() {
try {
using var client = new WebClient();
var text = await client.DownloadStringTaskAsync(Url).ConfigureAwait(true);
LastError = null;
return Tuple.Create(Load(text), text);
} catch (Exception e) when (e is WebException || e is YamlException) {
PluginLog.Log("Could not download newest definitions.");
LastError = e.Message;
return null;
private static async void UpdateCache(IDalamudPlugin plugin, string defs) {
var pluginFolder = Util.PluginFolder(plugin);
var cachePath = Path.Combine(pluginFolder, "definitions.yaml");
var b = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(defs);
using var file = File.OpenWrite(cachePath);
await file.WriteAsync(b, 0, b.Length).ConfigureAwait(true);
internal void Initialise(Plugin plugin) {
var defs = this.Chat.Select(e => new KeyValuePair<string, Definition>($"chat.{e.Key}", e.Value))
.Concat(this.PartyFinder.Select(e => new KeyValuePair<string, Definition>($"party_finder.{e.Key}", e.Value)));
foreach (var entry in defs) {
if (!plugin.Config.FilterStatus.TryGetValue(entry.Key, out _)) {
plugin.Config.FilterStatus[entry.Key] = entry.Value.Default;
foreach (var entry in this.Global) {
var chat = entry.Value.Clone();
this.Chat[$"global.{entry.Key}"] = chat;
var pf = entry.Value.Clone();
this.PartyFinder[$"global.{entry.Key}"] = pf;
if (!plugin.Config.FilterStatus.TryGetValue(chat.Id, out _)) {
plugin.Config.FilterStatus[chat.Id] = chat.Default;
if (!plugin.Config.FilterStatus.TryGetValue(pf.Id, out _)) {
plugin.Config.FilterStatus[pf.Id] = pf.Default;
public class Definition {
private bool _initialised;
public string Id { get; private set; }
public List<List<Matcher>> RequiredMatchers { get; private set; } = new();
public List<List<Matcher>> LikelyMatchers { get; private set; } = new();
public int LikelihoodThreshold { get; private set; }
public bool IgnoreCase { get; private set; }
public bool Normalise { get; private set; } = true;
public List<XivChatType> Channels { get; private set; } = new();
public OptionNames Option { get; private set; }
public bool Default { get; private set; }
public void Initialise(string id) {
if (this._initialised) {
this._initialised = true;
this.Id = id ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id), "string cannot be null");
if (!this.IgnoreCase) {
var allMatchers = this.LikelyMatchers
.SelectMany(matchers => matchers);
foreach (var matcher in allMatchers) {
public bool Matches(XivChatType type, string text) {
if (text == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text), "string cannot be null");
if (this.Channels.Count != 0 && !this.Channels.Contains(type)) {
return false;
if (this.Normalise) {
text = NoSolUtil.Normalise(text);
if (this.IgnoreCase) {
text = text.ToLowerInvariant();
// ensure all required matchers match
var allRequired = this.RequiredMatchers.All(matchers => matchers.Any(matcher => matcher.Matches(text)));
if (!allRequired) {
return false;
// calculate likelihood
var likelihood = this.LikelyMatchers.Count(matchers => matchers.Any(matcher => matcher.Matches(text)));
// matches only if likelihood is greater than or equal the threshold
return likelihood >= this.LikelihoodThreshold;
public Definition Clone() {
return new() {
RequiredMatchers = this.RequiredMatchers,
LikelyMatchers = this.LikelyMatchers,
LikelihoodThreshold = this.LikelihoodThreshold,
IgnoreCase = this.IgnoreCase,
Normalise = this.Normalise,
Channels = this.Channels,
Option = this.Option,
Default = this.Default,
public class Matcher {
private string? substring;
private Regex? regex;
public Matcher(string substring) {
this.substring = substring ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(substring), "string cannot be null");
public Matcher(Regex regex) {
this.regex = regex ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(regex), "Regex cannot be null");
internal void MakeIgnoreCase() {
if (this.substring != null) {
this.substring = this.substring.ToLowerInvariant();
if (this.regex != null) {
this.regex = new Regex(this.regex.ToString(), this.regex.Options | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
public bool Matches(string text) {
if (text == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(text), "string cannot be null");
if (this.substring != null) {
return text.Contains(this.substring);
if (this.regex != null) {
return this.regex.IsMatch(text);
throw new ApplicationException("Matcher created without substring or regex");
public class OptionNames {
public string Basic { get; private set; }
public string Advanced { get; private set; }
internal sealed class MatcherConverter : IYamlTypeConverter {
public bool Accepts(Type type) {
return type == typeof(Matcher);
public object ReadYaml(IParser parser, Type type) {
Matcher matcher;
if (parser.TryConsume(out Scalar scalar)) {
matcher = new Matcher(scalar.Value);
} else if (parser.TryConsume(out MappingStart _)) {
if (parser.Consume<Scalar>().Value != "regex") {
throw new ArgumentException("matcher was an object but did not specify regex key");
var regex = new Regex(parser.Consume<Scalar>().Value, RegexOptions.Compiled);
matcher = new Matcher(regex);
} else {
throw new ArgumentException("invalid matcher");
return matcher;
public void WriteYaml(IEmitter emitter, object value, Type type) {
throw new NotImplementedException();