
118 lines
4.4 KiB

using Dalamud.Game.Chat;
using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling;
using Dalamud.Game.Internal.Network;
using Dalamud.Plugin;
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace NoSoliciting {
public partial class Filter {
private const ushort PF_LISTING = 0x252;
//private static ushort PF_SUMMARY = 0x174;
private readonly Plugin plugin;
public Filter(Plugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(plugin), "Plugin cannot be null");
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Style", "IDE0060:Remove unused parameter", Justification = "fulfilling a delegate")]
public void OnNetwork(IntPtr dataPtr, ushort opCode, uint sourceActorId, uint targetActorId, NetworkMessageDirection direction) {
if (this.plugin.Definitions == null) {
// only look at packets coming in
if (direction != NetworkMessageDirection.ZoneDown) {
// PF_LISTING is sent repeatedly until PF_SUMMARY, which is a summary (and also the packet sent for the chat notifs)
if (opCode != PF_LISTING) {
// parse the packet into a struct
PFPacket packet = Marshal.PtrToStructure<PFPacket>(dataPtr);
for (int i = 0; i < packet.listings.Length; i++) {
PFListing listing = packet.listings[i];
// only look at listings that aren't null
if (listing.IsNull()) {
string desc = listing.Description();
bool filter = false;
foreach (Definition def in this.plugin.Definitions.PartyFinder.Values) {
filter |= this.plugin.Config.FilterStatus.TryGetValue(def.Id, out bool enabled)
&& enabled
&& def.Matches(XivChatType.None, desc);
filter |= this.plugin.Config.FilterHugeItemLevelPFs && listing.minimumItemLevel > FilterUtil.MaxItemLevelAttainable(this.plugin.Interface.Data);
// check for custom filters if enabled
filter |= this.plugin.Config.CustomPFFilter && PartyFinder.MatchesCustomFilters(desc, this.plugin.Config);
if (!filter) {
// replace the listing with an empty one
packet.listings[i] = new PFListing();
PluginLog.Log($"Filtered PF listing from {listing.Name()}: {listing.Description()}");
// get some memory for writing to
byte[] newPacket = new byte[PacketInfo.packetSize];
GCHandle pinnedArray = GCHandle.Alloc(newPacket, GCHandleType.Pinned);
IntPtr pointer = pinnedArray.AddrOfPinnedObject();
// write our struct into the memory (doing this directly crashes the game)
Marshal.StructureToPtr(packet, pointer, false);
// copy our new memory over the game's
Marshal.Copy(newPacket, 0, dataPtr, PacketInfo.packetSize);
// free memory
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Style", "IDE0060:Remove unused parameter", Justification = "fulfilling a delegate")]
public void OnChat(XivChatType type, uint senderId, ref SeString sender, ref SeString message, ref bool isHandled) {
if (message == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message), "SeString cannot be null");
if (this.plugin.Definitions == null) {
string text = message.TextValue;
bool filter = false;
foreach (Definition def in this.plugin.Definitions.Chat.Values) {
filter |= this.plugin.Config.FilterStatus.TryGetValue(def.Id, out bool enabled)
&& enabled
&& def.Matches(type, text);
// check for custom filters if enabled
filter |= this.plugin.Config.CustomChatFilter && Chat.MatchesCustomFilters(text, this.plugin.Config);
if (!filter) {
PluginLog.Log($"Filtered chat message: {text}");
isHandled = true;