using Xunit; namespace NoSoliciting.Tests.DefinitionsTests.PartyFinder { public class RMT : DefinitionTest { public RMT(DefinitionsFixture fixture) { this.Def = fixture.defs.PartyFinder["rmt"]; } public static object[][] DataNegatives => DefUtils.DataFromStrings(new string[] { "Doing Art commission of your charactet with good price! more info add me on discord: d0uglaz#7409 ♥", "Selling HQ 490 DoH/DoL sets, just in time for the Ishgard restoration project. Cheaper than MB, Whipser or join for info.", "Looking to sell medium odder otter walls(2mil) join or tell.", @"Selling 1x Eldthurs Horn for 8mil. Skip MB taxes \o/ Join if interested", }); public static object[][] DataPositives => DefUtils.DataFromStrings(new string[] { "「Best Prices」《 Shiva Unreal ★ Warrior of Light ★ Ultimates ★ Eden's Verse i500/i505", "「 MINMAXØ 」 SALES ≪ ❶ Savage 一 ❷ Ultimates 一 ❸ Mounts Etc. ≫ World #1 teams, instant delivery. Discord → azrael#6447", "「」™️ Found it Cheaper? We will beat it! $elling EdenVerse, BLU, Ultimates, Primals, Discord: Valentine#5943", "「BiS」Selling 》Sac EX, Unreal Shiva 》Savages, Ultimates 》Mounts & More | Price Match Guarantee | Discord→Present#0148", }); [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(DataNegatives))] public void Negatives(string msg) => this.Check(msg, CheckType.Negative); [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(DataPositives))] public void Positives(string msg) => this.Check(msg, CheckType.Positive); } }