using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace NoSoliciting.Interface { public static class NoSolUtil { private static readonly Dictionary Replacements = new() { // numerals ['\ue055'] = "1", ['\ue056'] = "2", ['\ue057'] = "3", ['\ue058'] = "4", ['\ue059'] = "5", ['\ue099'] = "10", ['\ue09a'] = "11", ['\ue09b'] = "12", ['\ue09c'] = "13", ['\ue09d'] = "14", ['\ue09e'] = "15", ['\ue09f'] = "16", ['\ue0a0'] = "17", ['\ue0a1'] = "18", ['\ue0a2'] = "19", ['\ue0a3'] = "20", ['\ue0a4'] = "21", ['\ue0a5'] = "22", ['\ue0a6'] = "23", ['\ue0a7'] = "24", ['\ue0a8'] = "25", ['\ue0a9'] = "26", ['\ue0aa'] = "27", ['\ue0ab'] = "28", ['\ue0ac'] = "29", ['\ue0ad'] = "30", ['\ue0ae'] = "31", // symbols ['\ue0af'] = "+", ['\ue070'] = "?", // letters in other sets ['\ue022'] = "A", ['\ue024'] = "_A", ['\ue0b0'] = "E", }; private const char LowestReplacement = '\ue022'; private static readonly char[] SpaceSymbols = { '/', '|', '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '<', '>', '=', '+', '.', ',', '?', '!', '~', '-', }; private static string Spacify(string input) { return SpaceSymbols.Aggregate(input, (current, sym) => current.Replace(sym, ' ')); } public static string Normalise(string input, bool spacify = false) { if (input == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input), "input cannot be null"); } // replace ffxiv private use chars var builder = new StringBuilder(input.Length); foreach (var c in input) { if (c < LowestReplacement) { goto AppendNormal; } // alphabet if (c >= 0xe071 && c <= 0xe08a) { builder.Append((char) (c - 0xe030)); continue; } // 0 to 9 if (c >= 0xe060 && c <= 0xe069) { builder.Append((char) (c - 0xe030)); continue; } // 1 to 9 if (c >= 0xe0b1 && c <= 0xe0b9) { builder.Append((char) (c - 0xe080)); continue; } // 1 to 9 again if (c >= 0xe090 && c <= 0xe098) { builder.Append((char) (c - 0xe05f)); continue; } // replacements in map if (Replacements.TryGetValue(c, out var rep)) { builder.Append(rep); continue; } AppendNormal: builder.Append(c); } input = builder.ToString(); // NFKD unicode normalisation var normalised = input.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormKD); // replace several symbols with spaces instead return spacify ? Spacify(normalised) : normalised; } } }