using Xunit; namespace NoSoliciting.Tests.DefinitionsTests.Global { public class FreeCompany : DefinitionTest { public FreeCompany(DefinitionsFixture fixture) { this.Def = fixture.defs.Global["free_company"]; } public static object[][] DataPositives => DefUtils.DataFromMessages(new TestMessage[] { // chat new TestMessage(ChatType.Shout, " is recruiting! Join our community blah blah discord lul"), // party finder new TestMessage("FC recruiting new and experienced players. Interested? Join party, send me a /tell or stop by the FC house for more information. "), }); public static object[][] DataNegatives => DefUtils.DataFromMessages(new TestMessage[] { new TestMessage(ChatType.Say, " is recruiting! Join our community blah blah discord lul"), }); [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(DataPositives))] public void Positives(TestMessage message) => this.Check(message, CheckType.Positive); [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(DataNegatives))] public void Negatives(TestMessage message) => this.Check(message, CheckType.Negative); } }