using Xunit; namespace NoSoliciting.Tests.DefinitionsTests.Global { public class Roleplay : DefinitionTest { public Roleplay(DefinitionsFixture fixture) { this.Def = fixture.defs.Global["roleplay"]; } public static object[][] DataPositives => DefUtils.DataFromStrings(new string[] { "If you're looking for something to do, come find monthly contests, 4 weekly RP events and more!", "Thorned Dragon Cosplay Event Sunday 9/6! Website for more info: Discord:", "[Rp] The Viridian Orchid is a non-profit companion's den seeking those interested in joining our community! ", "[RP] The Thonrned Dragon Cosplay Contest entry closes tonight at midnight est. Entry is free. Full details at []", "● The Pearl ● a Victorian Brothel opening Tuesday! Applications closing tonight, get yours in now! [ ]", "[RP] Looking for adventure? Bounties, work, odd jobs? Join Bounty Call! More info in our discord:", "[RP/+18RP] - The HROTHEL - Bathhouse & Bar [LGBTQ+Friendly]\n[Fam. W.5 - P.50 Gridania][] Hrothgar Operated", "( RP ) Wonderlust is a new club on Midgar! We are hiring! We also want our customers to join!", "Twine Trolley Hostel is now open in Mist, 3rd Ward (Exodus) apt#88. Please be respectful of other guests and enjoy your stay.", "DLITE Is OPEN! Come grab a courtesan and relax in our lounge and let our expert staff see to your every whim, SIren, gob W19,43", "If you're looking for something to do, come find monthly contests, 4 weekly RP events and more!", "[18+]Need to get your RP/ERP fix in? Wishing to become or buy a courtesan? C'mere to Touch Fluffy Tail @", "MR casino venue looking for greeters and courtesans. Join pt if interested.", "Have a venue? Come plug yourself while checking us out! We're The - !! -", "Looking for a good time? Come to the Sapphire for frat/sorority night! 5-10EST Gilga Mist W2 P9", "Lucky Sevens - 18+ RP community to find partners, advertise your venue, post screenies and enjoy FF14!", "{RP} New venue coming to Siren! Join for more information ahead of our grand opening!", "Open RP night with the Lucky Sevens at The Gold Court, Hyperion’s Steps of Thal X: 11, Y: 11 -", "LUST the original Maid Harem- welcome guests into our discord! ERP discord 18+", "Lucky Sevens - Primal's largest and most active RP discord - Welcomes you!", }); public static object[][] DataNegatives => DefUtils.DataFromStrings(new string[] { "«ToC» recruiting active members. Join the party, send me a /Tell or stop by the FC house (Goblet P13, W19) for more information.", }); [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(DataPositives))] public void Positives(string msg) => this.Check(msg, CheckType.Positive); [Theory] [MemberData(nameof(DataNegatives))] public void Negatives(string msg) => this.Check(msg, CheckType.Negative); } }