using Dalamud.Interface; using ImGuiNET; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Numerics; namespace Macrology { public class PluginUi { private Macrology Plugin { get; } private INode? Dragged { get; set; } private Guid RunningChoice { get; set; } = Guid.Empty; private bool _showIdents; private bool _settingsVisible; public bool SettingsVisible { get => this._settingsVisible; set => this._settingsVisible = value; } public PluginUi(Macrology plugin) { this.Plugin = plugin ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(plugin), "Macrology cannot be null"); } public void OpenSettings() { this.SettingsVisible = true; } public void Draw() { if (this.SettingsVisible) { this.DrawSettings(); } } private bool RemoveNode(ICollection list, INode toRemove) { return list.Remove(toRemove) || list.Any(node => node.Children.Count > 0 && this.RemoveNode(node.Children, toRemove)); } private void DrawSettings() { // unset the cancel choice if no longer running if (this.RunningChoice != Guid.Empty && !this.Plugin.MacroHandler.IsRunning(this.RunningChoice)) { this.RunningChoice = Guid.Empty; } if (!ImGui.Begin(this.Plugin.Name, ref this._settingsVisible)) { return; } ImGui.Columns(2); if (IconButton(FontAwesomeIcon.Plus)) { this.Plugin.Config.Nodes.Add(new Macro("Untitled macro", "")); this.Plugin.Config.Save(); } Tooltip("Add macro"); ImGui.SameLine(); if (IconButton(FontAwesomeIcon.FolderPlus)) { this.Plugin.Config.Nodes.Add(new Folder("Untitled folder")); this.Plugin.Config.Save(); } Tooltip("Add folder"); var toRemove = new List(); foreach (var node in this.Plugin.Config.Nodes) { toRemove.AddRange(this.DrawNode(node)); } foreach (var node in toRemove) { this.RemoveNode(this.Plugin.Config.Nodes, node); } if (toRemove.Count != 0) { this.Plugin.Config.Save(); } ImGui.NextColumn(); ImGui.Text("Running macros"); ImGui.PushItemWidth(-1f); if (ImGui.BeginListBox("##running-macros")) { foreach (var (id, value) in this.Plugin.MacroHandler.Running) { if (value == null) { continue; } var name = $"{value.Name}"; if (this._showIdents) { var ident = id.ToString(); name += $" ({ident[^7..]})"; } if (this.Plugin.MacroHandler.IsPaused(id)) { name += " (paused)"; } var cancelled = this.Plugin.MacroHandler.IsCancelled(id); var flags = cancelled ? ImGuiSelectableFlags.Disabled : ImGuiSelectableFlags.None; if (ImGui.Selectable($"{name}##{id}", this.RunningChoice == id, flags)) { this.RunningChoice = id; } } ImGui.EndListBox(); } ImGui.PopItemWidth(); if (ImGui.Button("Cancel") && this.RunningChoice != Guid.Empty) { this.Plugin.MacroHandler.CancelMacro(this.RunningChoice); } ImGui.SameLine(); var paused = this.RunningChoice != Guid.Empty && this.Plugin.MacroHandler.IsPaused(this.RunningChoice); if (ImGui.Button(paused ? "Resume" : "Pause") && this.RunningChoice != Guid.Empty) { if (paused) { this.Plugin.MacroHandler.ResumeMacro(this.RunningChoice); } else { this.Plugin.MacroHandler.PauseMacro(this.RunningChoice); } } ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.Checkbox("Show unique identifiers", ref this._showIdents); ImGui.Columns(1); ImGui.End(); } private IEnumerable DrawNode(INode node) { var toRemove = new List(); ImGui.PushID($"{node.Id}"); var open = ImGui.TreeNode($"{node.Id}", $"{node.Name}"); if (ImGui.BeginPopupContextItem()) { var name = node.Name; if (ImGui.InputText($"##{node.Id}-rename", ref name, (uint) this.Plugin.Config.MaxLength, ImGuiInputTextFlags.AutoSelectAll)) { node.Name = name; this.Plugin.Config.Save(); } if (ImGui.Button("Delete")) { toRemove.Add(node); } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Copy UUID")) { ImGui.SetClipboardText($"{node.Id}"); } if (node is Macro macro) { ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Run##context")) { this.RunMacro(macro); } } ImGui.EndPopup(); } if (ImGui.BeginDragDropSource()) { ImGui.Text(node.Name); this.Dragged = node; ImGui.SetDragDropPayload("MACROLOGY-GUID", IntPtr.Zero, 0); ImGui.EndDragDropSource(); } if (node is Folder dfolder && ImGui.BeginDragDropTarget()) { var payloadPtr = ImGui.AcceptDragDropPayload("MACROLOGY-GUID"); bool nullPtr; unsafe { nullPtr = payloadPtr.NativePtr == null; } if (!nullPtr && payloadPtr.IsDelivery() && this.Dragged != null) { dfolder.Children.Add(this.Dragged.Duplicate()); this.Dragged.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); toRemove.Add(this.Dragged); this.Dragged = null; } ImGui.EndDragDropTarget(); } ImGui.PopID(); if (open) { if (node is Macro macro) { this.DrawMacro(macro); } else if (node is Folder folder) { this.DrawFolder(folder); foreach (var child in node.Children) { toRemove.AddRange(this.DrawNode(child)); } } ImGui.TreePop(); } return toRemove; } private void DrawMacro(Macro macro) { var contents = macro.Contents; ImGui.PushItemWidth(-1f); if (ImGui.InputTextMultiline($"##{macro.Id}-editor", ref contents, (uint) this.Plugin.Config.MaxLength, new Vector2(0, 250))) { macro.Contents = contents; this.Plugin.Config.Save(); } ImGui.PopItemWidth(); if (ImGui.Button("Run")) { this.RunMacro(macro); } } private void DrawFolder(Folder folder) { } private void RunMacro(Macro macro) { this.Plugin.MacroHandler.SpawnMacro(macro); } private static bool IconButton(FontAwesomeIcon icon) { ImGui.PushFont(UiBuilder.IconFont); var ret = ImGui.Button(icon.ToIconString()); ImGui.PopFont(); return ret; } private static void Tooltip(string text) { if (ImGui.IsItemHovered()) { ImGui.BeginTooltip(); ImGui.TextUnformatted(text); ImGui.EndTooltip(); } } } }