
701 lines
24 KiB
Executable File

namespace LiveSplit.TZA.Util;
internal static class LocationNames {
private static readonly Dictionary<ushort, string> Names = new() {
[12] = "Main Menu",
[13] = "End Credits",
[48] = "Stockade",
[49] = "Arena",
[51] = "Oubliette",
[53] = "The Lightworks",
[54] = "Great Eastern Passage",
[55] = "Op Sector 36",
[56] = "Special Op Sector 3",
[57] = "Op Sector 37",
[58] = "Op Sector 29",
[61] = "Great Central Passage",
[62] = "The Zeviah Subterrane",
[66] = "North-South Junction",
[69] = "Terminus No. 4",
[70] = "Terminus No. 4 Adjunct",
[71] = "Terminus No. 7",
[124] = "Observation Parlour",
[125] = "Sky Saloon",
[126] = "Air Deck",
[129] = "South Bank Village",
[130] = "North Bank Village",
[132] = "The Yoma",
[133] = "Broken Sands",
[137] = "Uazcuff Hills",
[138] = "Sundered Earth",
[139] = "The Highlands",
[140] = "Fields of Eternity",
[141] = "The Shaded Path",
[142] = "The Chosen Path",
[144] = "The Skytrail",
[145] = "Realm of the Elder Dream",
[146] = "The Lost Way",
[147] = "Garden of Life's Circle",
[148] = "Oliphzak Rise",
[149] = "The Nameless Spring",
[151] = "The Omen-Spur",
[152] = "Trunkwall Road",
[153] = "Diverging Way",
[154] = "Sun-dappled Path",
[155] = "Garden of Decay",
[156] = "Path of Hours",
[157] = "Quietened Trace",
[158] = "Grand Bower",
[162] = "Corridor of Ages",
[163] = "Piebald Path",
[167] = "Greencrag",
[168] = "The Muted Scarp",
[169] = "Vale of Lingering Sorrow",
[170] = "Hope's Reach",
[171] = "Echoes of the Past",
[175] = "The Slumbermead",
[176] = "Succor Midst Sorrow",
[177] = "The Fog Mutters",
[178] = "Overlooking Eternity",
[179] = "Lifeless Strand",
[180] = "Field of the Fallen Lord",
[184] = "Falls of Time",
[185] = "Mirror of the Soul",
[186] = "The Acolyte's Burden",
[187] = "Doubt Abandoned",
[188] = "Skybent Chamber",
[192] = "Destiny's March",
[193] = "Temptation Eluded",
[194] = "Chamber of the Chosen",
[198] = "Hall of Shadowlight",
[200] = "Hall of Lambent Darkness",
[202] = "Hall of the Wroth God",
[209] = "Southern Skirts",
[210] = "Summit Path",
[215] = "Rays of Ashen Light",
[216] = "Empyrean Way",
[217] = "Skyreach Ridge",
[218] = "Trail of Sky-flung Stone",
[219] = "Northern Skirts",
[220] = "Halny Crossing",
[223] = "Empyrean Seat",
[227] = "The Stepping",
[228] = "Yardang Labyrinth",
[229] = "Sand-swept Naze",
[230] = "Banks of the Nebra",
[231] = "Passage Entrance",
[232] = "Murmuring Defile",
[233] = "Outpost",
[236] = "Throne Road",
[237] = "Warrior's Wash",
[238] = "Gizas North Bank",
[239] = "Toam Hills",
[243] = "Nomad Village",
[247] = "Starfall Field",
[248] = "Crystal Glade",
[249] = "Gizas South Bank",
[253] = "Throne Road",
[254] = "Warrior's Wash",
[255] = "Gizas North Bank",
[256] = "Toam Hills",
[260] = "Nomad Village",
[264] = "Starfall Field",
[265] = "Crystal Glade",
[266] = "Gizas South Bank",
[270] = "Tracks of the Beast",
[274] = "Aerial Gardens",
[275] = "Inner Ward",
[279] = "Lower Apartments",
[280] = "Upper Apartments",
[282] = "The Highhall",
[286] = "Energy Transitarium",
[289] = "North End",
[290] = "Muthru Bazaar",
[291] = "East End",
[292] = "Southern Plaza",
[295] = "Amal's Weaponry",
[296] = "Panamis's Protectives",
[297] = "Migelo's Sundries",
[298] = "Yugri's Magicks",
[299] = "Batahn's Technicks",
[300] = "Yamoora's Gambits",
[301] = "Samalzalam Manor",
[302] = "The Clan Hall",
[304] = "The Sandsea",
[305] = "Eastgate",
[306] = "Southgate",
[307] = "Westgate",
[311] = "Central Spur Stairs",
[312] = "East Waterway Control",
[313] = "North Spur Sluiceway",
[314] = "East Spur Stairs",
[315] = "Northern Sluiceway",
[316] = "East Waterway Control",
[318] = "No. 11 Channel",
[319] = "East Sluice Control",
[320] = "West Sluice Control",
[321] = "No. 10 Channel",
[322] = "Central Waterway Control",
[326] = "Southern Sluiceway",
[329] = "Overflow Cloaca",
[332] = "A Vikaari Bhrum",
[333] = "Trahk Pis Praa",
[334] = "Sthaana Pisces",
[335] = "Dha Vikaari Jula",
[336] = "Trahk Jilaam Praa'dii",
[337] = "Sthaana Aries",
[341] = "Crystal Core",
[342] = "No. 1 Cloaca",
[345] = "Galtea Downs",
[346] = "Corridor of Sand",
[347] = "Shimmering Horizons",
[348] = "The Midfault",
[349] = "Windtrace Dunes",
[350] = "The Western Divide",
[354] = "Wyrm's Nest",
[357] = "Shaft Entry",
[358] = "Oltam Span",
[359] = "Transitway 1",
[360] = "Transitway 2",
[365] = "Shunia Twinspan",
[366] = "Site 2",
[367] = "Site 3",
[369] = "Tasche Span",
[372] = "Site 9",
[374] = "Site 11",
[376] = "Site 7",
[379] = "Platform 1 - East Tanks",
[380] = "Platform 1 - Refinery",
[381] = "East Junction",
[382] = "Primary Tank Complex",
[383] = "Central Junction",
[384] = "Platform 1 - South Tanks",
[385] = "Platform 2 - Refinery",
[386] = "Yensa Border Tunnel",
[387] = "South Tank Approach",
[390] = "The Urutan-Yensa Sea",
[391] = "Withering Shores",
[392] = "Augur Hill",
[393] = "Yellow Sands",
[394] = "The Sandscale Bank",
[398] = "Demesne of the Sandqueen",
[399] = "Trail of Fading Warmth",
[400] = "Simoon Bluff",
[403] = "Valley of the Dead",
[406] = "Hall of the Destroyer",
[407] = "Hall of the Sentinel",
[410] = "Royal Passage",
[411] = "Southfall Passage",
[412] = "Northfall Passage",
[415] = "Cloister of Flame",
[418] = "Chamber of First Light",
[421] = "Hall of Effulgent Light",
[422] = "Cloister of Distant Song",
[426] = "Cloister of the Highborn",
[430] = "Hall of the Ivory Covenant",
[431] = "Hall of Slumbering Might",
[438] = "The Crucible",
[441] = "Cloister of Solace",
[444] = "Cloister of Reason",
[447] = "Paths of Chained Light",
[448] = "The Needlebrake",
[449] = "Whisperleaf Way",
[450] = "The Parting Glade",
[453] = "The Rustling Chapel",
[456] = "Dell of the Dreamer",
[459] = "The Branchway",
[460] = "The Greenswathe",
[463] = "Fading Vale",
[464] = "Head of the Silverflow",
[465] = "Freezing Gorge",
[468] = "Frozen Brook",
[469] = "Icebound Flow",
[470] = "Karydine Glacier",
[473] = "Path of the Firstfall",
[474] = "Spine of the Icewyrm",
[475] = "Silverflow's End",
[478] = "The Reseta Strand",
[479] = "Pora-Pora Sands",
[480] = "The Mauleia Strand",
[481] = "Cape Uahuk",
[482] = "Cape Tialan",
[483] = "Kaukula Pass",
[484] = "The Hakawea Shore",
[488] = "Hunters' Camp",
[491] = "Caima Hills",
[492] = "The Vaddu Strand",
[493] = "Limatra Hills",
[494] = "Rava's Pass",
[497] = "Old Elanise Road",
[498] = "Crossfield",
[499] = "The Terraced Bank",
[500] = "Journey's Rest",
[503] = "North Liavell Hills",
[504] = "South Liavell Hills",
[505] = "Feddik River",
[506] = "The Northsward",
[509] = "Footfalls of the Past",
[511] = "Echoes from Time's Garden",
[517] = "City of Other Days",
[518] = "Path of Hidden Blessing",
[522] = "They Who Thirst Not",
[525] = "Field of Fallen Wings",
[526] = "The Switchback",
[527] = "Haulo Green",
[530] = "Dagan Flats",
[531] = "Field of Light Winds",
[532] = "The Greensnake",
[533] = "Sunlit Path",
[536] = "The Shred",
[539] = "Walk of Flitting Rifts",
[540] = "Walk of Stolen Truths",
[541] = "Walk of Dancing Shadow",
[542] = "Antiquity's End",
[545] = "Redolent Glade",
[548] = "White Magick's Embrace",
[549] = "Ice Field of Clearsight",
[550] = "The Edge of Reason",
[552] = "Port Launch",
[555] = "Port Section",
[556] = "Large Freight Stores",
[557] = "Starboard Section",
[558] = "Sub-control Room",
[561] = "Airship Berth Access",
[564] = "Central Brig Access",
[567] = "Cellar Stores",
[568] = "Cellars",
[569] = "Lower Halls",
[570] = "Secret Passage",
[571] = "Treasure Room No. 8",
[572] = "The Garden Stairs",
[576] = "Invitation to Heresy",
[577] = "Sandfalls",
[578] = "Hourglass Basin",
[581] = "The Undershore",
[582] = "Halls of Ardent Darkness",
[585] = "The Balamka Fault",
[586] = "Drybeam Cavern",
[587] = "Darkened Wharf",
[588] = "Canopy of Clay",
[590] = "Athroza Quicksands",
[593] = "Walk of Sky",
[594] = "Walk of Mind",
[597] = "Ward of Measure",
[598] = "Cold Distance",
[599] = "Walk of Prescience",
[600] = "Walk of Reason",
[603] = "Ward of Steel",
[606] = "Ward of Velitation",
[607] = "Walk of Torn Illusion",
[608] = "Walk of Revelation",
[609] = "Ward of the Sword-King",
[612] = "Hall of Worth",
[615] = "Vault of the Champion",
[618] = "Throne of Veiled Gods",
[621] = "A Prama Vikaari",
[622] = "Kabonii Jilaam Pratii'vaa",
[623] = "Kabonii Jilaam Avaa",
[624] = "Dha Vikaari Bhrum",
[625] = "Sthaana Scorpio",
[626] = "A Vikaari Dhebon",
[630] = "West Barbican",
[631] = "Jajim Bazaar",
[632] = "West Ward",
[635] = "Grand Arcade",
[636] = "Highgarden Terrace",
[640] = "Molberry",
[641] = "Trant",
[642] = "Charlotte's Magickery",
[643] = "Bulward's Technicks",
[666] = "Womb of the Sun-cryst",
[668] = "Womb of the Sun-cryst",
[670] = "Heaven's Challenge",
[682] = "Hell's Challenge",
[686] = "Gate of Earth",
[687] = "Gate of Water",
[690] = "The Trimahla Water-Steps",
[691] = "The Aadha Water-Steps",
[694] = "The Haalmikah Water-Steps",
[695] = "Gate of Fire",
[698] = "Gate of Wind",
[701] = "North Sprawl",
[702] = "South Sprawl",
[703] = "Dalan's House",
[704] = "Residence",
[709] = "The Black Watch",
[710] = "The Confiscatory",
[712] = "North Entrance",
[713] = "Pithead Junction A",
[714] = "Phase 1 Shaft",
[715] = "Phase 1 Dig",
[716] = "Crossover A",
[717] = "Pithead Junction B",
[718] = "Staging Shaft",
[719] = "Crossover B",
[722] = "Ore Separation",
[725] = "Phase 2 Dig",
[726] = "Crossover C",
[727] = "Pithead Junction C",
[728] = "Phase 2 Shaft",
[730] = "Special Charter Shaft",
[733] = "Special Charter Dig",
[736] = "Hall of the Light",
[737] = "Hall of the Light",
[738] = "Temple Grounds",
[741] = "Temple Approach",
[742] = "Sand-strewn Pass",
[745] = "Nilbasse",
[746] = "Rienna",
[747] = "Vint's Armaments",
[748] = "Granch's Requisites",
[749] = "Lebleu's Gambits",
[751] = "Banks of the Sogoht",
[752] = "Lull of the Land",
[753] = "The Elderknoll",
[756] = "Tsenoble",
[762] = "Alley of Muted Sighs",
[763] = "Alley of Low Whispers",
[766] = "Fane of the Path",
[767] = "The Spiritwood",
[768] = "Road of Verdant Praise",
[774] = "Periphery",
[775] = "Catwalk",
[776] = "Antechamber",
[777] = "Antechamber",
[779] = "Central Lift",
[782] = "Central Shaft",
[785] = "Cannon Superstructure",
[788] = "Aerodrome (Rabanastre)",
[791] = "Aerodrome (Bhujerba)",
[794] = "Aerodrome (Archades)",
[797] = "Aerodrome (Balfonheim Port)",
[800] = "Aerodrome (Nalbina Town)",
[803] = "Travica Way",
[804] = "Cloudborne Row",
[805] = "Miners' End",
[806] = "Lhusu Square",
[809] = "Khus Skygrounds",
[810] = "Kaff Terrace",
[813] = "Targe's Arms",
[814] = "Rithil's Protectives",
[816] = "Mait's Magicks",
[817] = "Clio's Technicks",
[818] = "Bashketi's Gambits",
[819] = "The Staras Residence",
[820] = "The Cloudborne",
[823] = "Sea Breeze Lane",
[824] = "Gallerina Marketplace",
[825] = "Quayside Court",
[826] = "Saccio Lane",
[827] = "Chivany Breakwater",
[828] = "Canal Lane",
[833] = "Beruny's Armaments",
[834] = "Odo's Technicks",
[835] = "Port Villa",
[836] = "The Whitecap",
[837] = "Port Villa",
[838] = "No. 11 Channel",
[839] = "No. 11 Channel",
[840] = "East Sluice Control",
[841] = "Southern Sluiceway",
[842] = "West Sluice Control",
[843] = "No. 10 Channel",
[844] = "No. 10 Channel",
[845] = "No. 3 Cloaca Spur",
[846] = "No. 3 Cloaca Spur",
[847] = "No. 1 Cloaca",
[848] = "No. 4 Cloaca Spur",
[849] = "No. 4 Cloaca Spur",
[850] = "Central Waterway Control",
[854] = "C.D.B.",
[856] = "Dalan's Marker",
[871] = "Bridge",
[872] = "Battle Launch",
[876] = "Brig No. 1",
[888] = "Crystal Peak",
[891] = "East-West Bypass",
[892] = "The Zeviah Span",
[893] = "West Annex",
[894] = "Terminus No. 7 Adjunct",
[895] = "Special Op Sector 5",
[898] = "Colosseum",
[901] = "Lasche Span",
[902] = "Site 5",
[903] = "Site 6 South",
[904] = "Site 6 North",
[905] = "Staging Area",
[908] = "Living Chasm",
[916] = "Siti Bhrusuna",
[926] = "A Vikaari Kabonii",
[927] = "Sthaana Cancer",
[928] = "Bhrum Pis Avaa",
[929] = "Bhrum Pis Pratii",
[930] = "Dha Vikaari Trahk",
[933] = "Site 2",
[934] = "Shunia Twinspan",
[935] = "Transitway 1",
[936] = "Oltam Span",
[939] = "Dha Vikaari Kabonii",
[940] = "A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra",
[941] = "Dhebon Jilaam Praa'dii",
[942] = "Dhebon Jilaam Pratii'dii",
[943] = "Sthaana Sagittarius",
[944] = "A Vikaari Sirhru Pratii",
[945] = "A Vikaari Sirhru Praa",
[946] = "Dhebon Jilaam Avaapratii",
[947] = "A Vikaari Sirhru Si",
[949] = "Dhebon Jilaam Avaa",
[952] = "Dha Vikaari Dhebon Praa",
[953] = "Dha Vikaari Dhebon Pratii",
[954] = "Sirhru Phullam Praa",
[955] = "Sthaana Leo",
[956] = "Sirhru Phullam Praa'vaa",
[957] = "Sirhru Phullam Pratii'vaa",
[958] = "Sthaana Gemini",
[959] = "Sirhru Phullam Udiipratii",
[960] = "Sirhru Jilaam Praa'dii",
[961] = "Sirhru Jilaam Pratii'dii",
[962] = "Sirhru Jilaam Praa",
[963] = "Sirhru Jilaam Pratii",
[964] = "Sirhru Jilaam Praa'vaa",
[965] = "Sirhru Jilaam Pratii'vaa",
[966] = "Sirhru Pis Praa",
[967] = "Sirhru Pis Pratii",
[968] = "Sirhru Pis Avaa",
[969] = "Sirhru Jilaam Avaapratii",
[970] = "Sirhru Jilaam Avaapraa",
[971] = "A Vikaari Uldobi",
[972] = "A Vikaari Uldobi Si",
[973] = "Dha Vikaari Dhebon Si",
[979] = "Dha Vikaari Sirhru",
[980] = "Sthaana Virgo",
[981] = "Uldobi Jilaam Praa'dii",
[982] = "Uldobi Jilaam Pratii",
[983] = "Uldobi Jilaam Praa",
[984] = "Uldobi Phullam Pratii'dii",
[985] = "Sthaana Capricorn",
[986] = "Dha Vikaari Sirhru Si",
[987] = "Uldobi Phullam Udiipraa",
[988] = "Uldobi Phullam Pratii'vaa",
[989] = "Uldobi Phullam Praa'vaa",
[990] = "Uldobi Phullam Pratii",
[991] = "Sthaana Taurus",
[992] = "Sthaana Libra",
[993] = "Uldobi Jilaam Praa'vaa",
[994] = "Uldobi Jilaam Pratii'vaa",
[995] = "Uldobi Jilaam Avaa",
[996] = "A Vikaari Kanbhru",
[1002] = "Dha Vikaari Uldobi",
[1003] = "Kanbhru Pis",
[1004] = "Dha Vikaari Dhebon Ra",
[1005] = "Sthaana Aquarius",
[1008] = "66th Floor",
[1009] = "Rm 6613 West",
[1010] = "Rm 6613 East",
[1011] = "Rm 6612 West",
[1013] = "Rm 6611 West",
[1014] = "Rm 6611 East",
[1015] = "Rm 6602 West",
[1016] = "Rm 6601 West",
[1017] = "Rm 6602 East",
[1018] = "Rm 6601 East",
[1019] = "67th Floor",
[1020] = "Rm 6711 West",
[1021] = "Rm 6711 East",
[1023] = "Rm 6703 West",
[1024] = "Rm 6704 East",
[1025] = "Rm 6703 East",
[1026] = "Rm 6702 West",
[1027] = "Rm 6701 West",
[1028] = "Rm 6702 East",
[1030] = "68th Floor",
[1031] = "69th Floor",
[1036] = "66th Floor",
[1037] = "Rm 6613 West",
[1038] = "Rm 6613 East",
[1039] = "Rm 6612 West",
[1041] = "Rm 6611 West",
[1042] = "Rm 6611 East",
[1043] = "Rm 6602 West",
[1044] = "Rm 6601 West",
[1045] = "Rm 6602 East",
[1046] = "Rm 6601 East",
[1047] = "70th Floor",
[1048] = "Rm 7002 West",
[1049] = "Rm 7001 West",
[1050] = "Rm 7002 East",
[1054] = "67th Floor",
[1055] = "Rm 6711 West",
[1056] = "Rm 6711 East",
[1058] = "Rm 6703 West",
[1059] = "Rm 6704 East",
[1060] = "Rm 6703 East",
[1061] = "Rm 6702 West",
[1062] = "Rm 6701 West",
[1063] = "Rm 6702 East",
[1067] = "68th Floor",
[1068] = "Rm 6814 West",
[1069] = "Rm 6814 East",
[1070] = "Rm 6813 West",
[1071] = "Rm 6813 East",
[1072] = "Rm 6812 West",
[1073] = "Rm 6812 East",
[1074] = "Rm 6811 West",
[1075] = "Rm 6811 East",
[1076] = "Rm 6804 West",
[1077] = "Rm 6803 West",
[1078] = "Rm 6804 East",
[1079] = "Rm 6803 East",
[1080] = "Rm 6802 West",
[1081] = "Rm 6801 West",
[1082] = "Rm 6802 East",
[1083] = "Rm 6801 East",
[1088] = "Rm 6912 East",
[1089] = "Rm 6911 West",
[1091] = "Rm 6904 West",
[1094] = "Rm 6903 East",
[1095] = "Rm 6902 West",
[1096] = "Rm 6901 West",
[1098] = "Rm 6901 East",
[1101] = "The Wellspring",
[1102] = "Horizon's Break",
[1103] = "The Reach",
[1104] = "Reach of the Damned",
[1105] = "Reach of the Occult",
[1111] = "Wellspring Labyrinth",
[1113] = "Dunes of Profaning Wind",
[1114] = "Blackrock Vault",
[1115] = "Wellspring Ravel - 1st Flight",
[1116] = "Wellspring Ravel - 2nd Flight",
[1118] = "Wellspring Ravel - 3rd Flight",
[1119] = "Wellspring Ravel - 4th Flight",
[1121] = "Marsh of Profaning Wind",
[1122] = "Horizon's Cusp",
[1123] = "Penumbra - Interior",
[1124] = "Penumbra - North",
[1125] = "Penumbra - South",
[1126] = "Umbra - Interior",
[1127] = "Umbra - North",
[1128] = "Umbra - South",
[1129] = "Abyssal - Interior",
[1130] = "Abyssal - North",
[1131] = "Abyssal - South",
[1132] = "Cleft of Profaning Wind",
[1133] = "The Bounds of Truth",
[1134] = "Station of Banishment",
[1136] = "Station of Suffering",
[1138] = "Station of Ascension",
[1140] = "Spire Ravel - 1st Flight",
[1141] = "Spire Ravel - 2nd Flight",
[1143] = "Empyrean Ravel",
[1145] = "Overflow Cloaca",
[1150] = "Air Deck",
[1151] = "Babbling Vale",
[1153] = "Withering Shores",
[1155] = "Stage 1",
[1156] = "Stage 2",
[1157] = "Stage 3",
[1158] = "Stage 4",
[1159] = "Stage 5",
[1163] = "Stage 6",
[1164] = "Stage 7",
[1165] = "Stage 8",
[1166] = "Stage 9",
[1167] = "Stage 10",
[1171] = "Stage 11",
[1172] = "Stage 12",
[1173] = "Stage 13",
[1174] = "Stage 14",
[1175] = "Stage 15",
[1179] = "Stage 16",
[1180] = "Stage 17",
[1181] = "Stage 18",
[1182] = "Stage 19",
[1183] = "Stage 20",
[1187] = "Stage 21",
[1188] = "Stage 22",
[1189] = "Stage 23",
[1190] = "Stage 24",
[1191] = "Stage 25",
[1195] = "Stage 26",
[1196] = "Stage 27",
[1197] = "Stage 28",
[1198] = "Stage 29",
[1199] = "Stage 30",
[1203] = "Stage 31",
[1204] = "Stage 32",
[1205] = "Stage 33",
[1206] = "Stage 34",
[1207] = "Stage 35",
[1211] = "Stage 36",
[1212] = "Stage 37",
[1213] = "Stage 38",
[1214] = "Stage 39",
[1215] = "Stage 40",
[1219] = "Stage 41",
[1220] = "Stage 42",
[1221] = "Stage 43",
[1222] = "Stage 44",
[1223] = "Stage 45",
[1227] = "Stage 46",
[1228] = "Stage 47",
[1229] = "Stage 48",
[1230] = "Stage 49",
[1231] = "Stage 50",
[1235] = "Stage 51",
[1236] = "Stage 52",
[1237] = "Stage 53",
[1238] = "Stage 54",
[1239] = "Stage 55",
[1243] = "Stage 56",
[1244] = "Stage 57",
[1245] = "Stage 58",
[1246] = "Stage 59",
[1247] = "Stage 60",
[1251] = "Stage 61",
[1252] = "Stage 62",
[1253] = "Stage 63",
[1254] = "Stage 64",
[1255] = "Stage 65",
[1259] = "Stage 66",
[1260] = "Stage 67",
[1261] = "Stage 68",
[1262] = "Stage 69",
[1263] = "Stage 70",
[1267] = "Stage 71",
[1268] = "Stage 72",
[1269] = "Stage 73",
[1270] = "Stage 74",
[1271] = "Stage 75",
[1275] = "Stage 76",
[1276] = "Stage 77",
[1277] = "Stage 78",
[1278] = "Stage 79",
[1279] = "Stage 80",
[1283] = "Stage 81",
[1284] = "Stage 82",
[1285] = "Stage 83",
[1286] = "Stage 84",
[1287] = "Stage 85",
[1291] = "Stage 86",
[1292] = "Stage 87",
[1293] = "Stage 88",
[1294] = "Stage 89",
[1295] = "Stage 90",
[1299] = "Stage 91",
[1300] = "Stage 92",
[1301] = "Stage 93",
[1302] = "Stage 94",
[1303] = "Stage 95",
[1307] = "Stage 96",
[1308] = "Stage 97",
[1309] = "Stage 98",
[1310] = "Stage 99",
[1311] = "Stage 100",
internal static string Get(ushort location) {
return Names.TryGetValue(location, out var name) ? name : "???";