using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using HUD_Manager.Configuration; using HUD_Manager.Structs; using HUD_Manager.Tree; namespace HUD_Manager { public class Hud { // Updated 5.45 // This is 81 elements * 36 bytes each. Each element is 32 bytes in ADDON.DAT, // but they're 36 bytes when loaded into memory. private const int LayoutSize = 0xb64; // Updated 5.4 private const int SlotOffset = 0x59e8; private delegate IntPtr GetFilePointerDelegate(byte index); private delegate uint SetHudLayoutDelegate(IntPtr filePtr, uint hudLayout, byte unk0, byte unk1); private readonly GetFilePointerDelegate? _getFilePointer; private readonly SetHudLayoutDelegate? _setHudLayout; private Plugin Plugin { get; } public Hud(Plugin plugin) { this.Plugin = plugin; var getFilePointerPtr = this.Plugin.Interface.TargetModuleScanner.ScanText("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 C0 74 14 83 7B 44 00"); var setHudLayoutPtr = this.Plugin.Interface.TargetModuleScanner.ScanText("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 33 C0 EB 15"); if (getFilePointerPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { this._getFilePointer = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(getFilePointerPtr); } if (setHudLayoutPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { this._setHudLayout = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(setHudLayoutPtr); } } private IntPtr GetFilePointer(byte index) { return this._getFilePointer?.Invoke(index) ?? IntPtr.Zero; } public void SelectSlot(HudSlot slot, bool force = false) { if (this._setHudLayout == null) { return; } var file = this.GetFilePointer(0); // change the current slot so the game lets us pick one that's currently in use if (!force) { goto Return; } var currentSlotPtr = this.GetDataPointer() + SlotOffset; // read the current slot var currentSlot = (uint) Marshal.ReadInt32(currentSlotPtr); // change it to a different slot if (currentSlot == (uint) slot) { if (currentSlot < 3) { currentSlot += 1; } else { currentSlot = 0; } // back up this different slot var backup = this.ReadLayout((HudSlot) currentSlot); // change the current slot in memory Marshal.WriteInt32(currentSlotPtr, (int) currentSlot); // ask the game to change slot to our desired slot // for some reason, this overwrites the current slot, so this is why we back up this._setHudLayout.Invoke(file, (uint) slot, 0, 1); // restore the backup this.WriteLayout((HudSlot) currentSlot, backup); return; } Return: this._setHudLayout.Invoke(file, (uint) slot, 0, 1); } private IntPtr GetDataPointer() { var dataPtr = this.GetFilePointer(0) + 0x50; return Marshal.ReadIntPtr(dataPtr); } internal IntPtr GetLayoutPointer(HudSlot slot) { var slotNum = (int) slot; return this.GetDataPointer() + 0x2c58 + slotNum * LayoutSize; } public HudSlot GetActiveHudSlot() { var slotVal = Marshal.ReadInt32(this.GetDataPointer() + SlotOffset); if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(HudSlot), slotVal)) { throw new IOException($"invalid hud slot in FFXIV memory of ${slotVal}"); } return (HudSlot) slotVal; } public Layout ReadLayout(HudSlot slot) { var slotPtr = this.GetLayoutPointer(slot); return Marshal.PtrToStructure(slotPtr); } public void WriteLayout(HudSlot slot, Layout layout) { var slotPtr = this.GetLayoutPointer(slot); var dict = layout.ToDictionary(); // update existing elements with saved data instead of wholesale overwriting var slotLayout = this.ReadLayout(slot); for (var i = 0; i < slotLayout.elements.Length; i++) { if (dict.TryGetValue(slotLayout.elements[i].id, out var element)) { slotLayout.elements[i] = new RawElement(element); } } Marshal.StructureToPtr(slotLayout, slotPtr, false); // copy directly over // Marshal.StructureToPtr(layout, slotPtr, false); var currentSlot = this.GetActiveHudSlot(); if (currentSlot == slot) { this.SelectSlot(currentSlot, true); } } public void WriteEffectiveLayout(HudSlot slot, Guid id) { // find the node for this id var nodes = Node.BuildTree(this.Plugin.Config.Layouts); var node = nodes.Find(id); if (node == null) { return; } var elements = new Dictionary(); // get the ancestors and their elements for this node foreach (var ancestor in node.Ancestors().Reverse()) { foreach (var element in ancestor.Value.Elements) { elements[element.Key] = element.Value; } } // apply this node's elements foreach (var element in node.Value.Elements) { elements[element.Key] = element.Value; } var elemList = elements.Values.ToList(); while (elemList.Count < 81) { elemList.Add(new Element(new RawElement())); } var effective = new Layout { elements = elemList.Select(elem => new RawElement(elem)).ToArray(), }; this.WriteLayout(slot, effective); } } public enum HudSlot { One = 0, Two = 1, Three = 2, Four = 3, } public class Vector2 { public T X { get; } public T Y { get; } public Vector2(T x, T y) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; } } }