help: - name: Basic overview description: >- HUD Manager allows you to create infinite HUD layouts and dynamically swap to them based on in-game conditions. - name: What is the staging slot? description: >- The staging slot is the in-game HUD slot that the plugin will update. For example, if it is set to 4, your in-game HUD slot will always be 4 while the plugin is active. The plugin will update that slot with whichever layout is appropriate when necessary. - name: What is a layout parent?/How does inheritance work? description: >- Every layout created by HUD Manager may have a parent. Layouts with parents are called child layouts. Child layouts inherit all HUD elements from all of their parents but can override them. This system allows for you to create one base layout and have several variations. When you update the base layout, all the variations will reflect that update automatically without any extra work on your part. For example, imagine a layout called "Default" and a layout called "Battle". The Battle layout is a child of the Default layout and is set to turn on in combat. The Battle layout has one HUD element added: gil, and gil is hidden. The Default layout has gil visible. When not in combat, gil will be visible, but when entering combat, gil will be hidden. This is because the Battle layout inherits all the HUD elements from the Default layout, but it overrides the gil HUD element to hide it during combat. - name: Why do my hotbars keep appearing/disappearing when visibility is disabled? description: >- Please make sure that any hotbar with a visibility that the plugin is not supposed to change has its visibility disabled in all layouts. This means if you want Hotbar 1's visibility to not be managed by the plugin, and you use layout C, which is underneath layout A and B, you must set Hotbar 1's visibility to disabled in layouts A, B, and C. Additionally, due to HUD shenanigans, you cannot use /hotbar display X on/off to toggle hotbar visibility. Please use /hud HotbarX instead. This will fix your issue.