fix: include translations

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Anna 2020-10-05 19:16:45 -04:00
parent 8ce70e13b9
commit ea0c08c342
1 changed files with 45 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -137,11 +137,53 @@ namespace GoodMemory {
private void AppendIfAcquired(ref string txt, Item item, string name = null) {
string has = this.Functions.HasAcquired(item) ? "Yes" : "No";
string yes;
string no;
string acquired;
string colon;
string parenL;
string parenR;
switch (this.Interface.ClientState.ClientLanguage) {
case Dalamud.ClientLanguage.English:
acquired = "Acquired";
colon = ": ";
yes = "Yes";
no = "No";
parenL = " (";
parenR = ")";
case Dalamud.ClientLanguage.French:
acquired = "Acquis";
colon = " : ";
yes = "Oui";
no = "Non";
parenL = " (";
parenR = ")";
case Dalamud.ClientLanguage.German:
acquired = "Erhalten";
colon = ": ";
yes = "Ja";
no = "Nein";
parenL = " (";
parenR = ")";
case Dalamud.ClientLanguage.Japanese:
acquired = "取得";
colon = "";
yes = "あり";
no = "なし";
parenL = "";
parenR = "";
string has = this.Functions.HasAcquired(item) ? yes : no;
if (name != null) {
txt = $"{txt}\nAcquired ({name}): {has}";
txt = $"{txt}\n{acquired}{parenL}{name}{parenR}{colon}{has}";
} else {
txt = $"{txt}\nAcquired: {has}";
txt = $"{txt}\n{acquired}{colon}{has}";