Anna 401686569b
feat: switch to UDS instead of using TCP
2024-04-10 17:25:48 -04:00
migrations chore: initial commit 2022-07-07 22:59:33 -04:00
src feat: switch to UDS instead of using TCP 2024-04-10 17:25:48 -04:00
.gitignore chore: initial commit 2022-07-07 22:59:33 -04:00
Cargo.lock chore(server): update dependencies 2024-04-04 14:52:55 -04:00
Cargo.toml chore(server): update dependencies 2024-04-04 14:52:55 -04:00
config.example.toml chore: initial commit 2022-07-07 22:59:33 -04:00
rust-toolchain.toml refactor: update dependencies 2023-07-19 12:13:33 -04:00