using ASodium; using Dalamud.ContextMenu; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Objects.SubKinds; using Dalamud.Game.Text; using Dalamud.Interface.Internal.Notifications; using Dalamud.IoC; using Dalamud.Plugin; using Dalamud.Plugin.Services; using ExtraChat.Integrations; using ExtraChat.Ui; using ExtraChat.Util; namespace ExtraChat; // ReSharper disable once ClassNeverInstantiated.Global public class Plugin : IDalamudPlugin { internal const ushort DefaultColour = 578; internal static string Name => "ExtraChat"; [PluginService] internal static IPluginLog Log { get; private set; } [PluginService] internal DalamudPluginInterface Interface { get; init; } [PluginService] internal IClientState ClientState { get; init; } [PluginService] internal ICommandManager CommandManager { get; init; } [PluginService] internal IChatGui ChatGui { get; init; } [PluginService] internal IDataManager DataManager { get; init; } [PluginService] internal IFramework Framework { get; init; } [PluginService] internal IGameGui GameGui { get; init; } [PluginService] internal IObjectTable ObjectTable { get; init; } [PluginService] internal ITargetManager TargetManager { get; init; } [PluginService] internal IGameInteropProvider GameInteropProvider { get; init; } [PluginService] private IToastGui ToastGui { get; init; } internal Configuration Config { get; } internal ConfigInfo ConfigInfo => this.Config.GetConfig(this.ClientState.LocalContentId); internal Client Client { get; } internal Commands Commands { get; } internal PluginUi PluginUi { get; } internal DalamudContextMenu ContextMenu { get; } internal GameFunctions GameFunctions { get; } internal Ipc Ipc { get; } private IDisposable[] Integrations { get; } private PlayerCharacter? _localPlayer; private readonly Mutex _localPlayerLock = new(); internal PlayerCharacter? LocalPlayer { get { this._localPlayerLock.WaitOne(); var player = this._localPlayer; this._localPlayerLock.ReleaseMutex(); return player; } private set { this._localPlayerLock.WaitOne(); this._localPlayer = value; this._localPlayerLock.ReleaseMutex(); } } public Plugin() { SodiumInit.Init(); WorldUtil.Initialise(this.DataManager!); this.ContextMenu = new DalamudContextMenu(); this.Config = this.Interface!.GetPluginConfig() as Configuration ?? new Configuration(); this.Client = new Client(this); this.Commands = new Commands(this); this.PluginUi = new PluginUi(this); this.GameFunctions = new GameFunctions(this); this.Ipc = new Ipc(this); this.Integrations = new IDisposable[] { new ChatTwo(this), }; this.Framework!.Update += this.FrameworkUpdate; this.ContextMenu.OnOpenGameObjectContextMenu += this.OnOpenGameObjectContextMenu; } public void Dispose() { this.GameFunctions.ResetOverride(); this.ContextMenu.OnOpenGameObjectContextMenu -= this.OnOpenGameObjectContextMenu; this.Framework.Update -= this.FrameworkUpdate; this._localPlayerLock.Dispose(); foreach (var integration in this.Integrations) { integration.Dispose(); } this.Ipc.Dispose(); this.GameFunctions.Dispose(); this.PluginUi.Dispose(); this.Commands.Dispose(); this.Client.Dispose(); this.ContextMenu.Dispose(); } private void FrameworkUpdate(IFramework framework) { if (this.ClientState.LocalPlayer is { } player) { this.LocalPlayer = player; } else if (!this.ClientState.IsLoggedIn) { // only set to null if not logged in this.LocalPlayer = null; } } private void OnOpenGameObjectContextMenu(GameObjectContextMenuOpenArgs args) { if (!this.Config.ShowContextMenuItem) { return; } if (args.ObjectId != 0xE0000000) { this.ObjectContext(args); return; } if (args.ObjectWorld == 0) { return; } var name = args.Text?.TextValue; if (name == null) { return; } args.AddCustomItem(new GameObjectContextMenuItem("Invite to ExtraChat Linkshell", _ => { this.PluginUi.InviteInfo = (name, args.ObjectWorld); })); } private void ObjectContext(GameObjectContextMenuOpenArgs args) { var obj = this.ObjectTable.SearchById(args.ObjectId); if (obj is not PlayerCharacter chara) { return; } args.AddCustomItem(new GameObjectContextMenuItem("Invite to ExtraChat Linkshell", _ => { var name = chara.Name.TextValue; this.PluginUi.InviteInfo = (name, (ushort) chara.HomeWorld.Id); })); } internal void SaveConfig() { this.Interface.SavePluginConfig(this.Config); } internal void ShowInfo(string message) { if (this.Config.UseNativeToasts) { this.ToastGui.ShowNormal(message); } else { this.Interface.UiBuilder.AddNotification(message, Name, NotificationType.Info); } this.ChatGui.Print(new XivChatEntry { Type = XivChatType.SystemMessage, Message = message, }); } internal void ShowError(string message) { if (this.Config.UseNativeToasts) { this.ToastGui.ShowError(message); } else { this.Interface.UiBuilder.AddNotification(message, Name, NotificationType.Error); } this.ChatGui.Print(new XivChatEntry { Type = XivChatType.ErrorMessage, Message = message, }); } }