use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::Arc; use anyhow::Context; use chrono::{Duration, Utc}; use log::trace; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use crate::{AuthenticateRequest, AuthenticateResponse, ClientState, State, User, util, World, WsStream}; pub async fn authenticate(state: Arc>, client_state: Arc>, conn: &mut WsStream, number: u32, req: AuthenticateRequest) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if { return util::send(conn, number, AuthenticateResponse::error("already logged in")).await; } let key = prefixed_api_key::parse(&*req.key) .context("could not parse key")?; let hash = util::hash_key(&key); let user = sqlx::query!( // language=sqlite "select * from users where key_short = ? and key_hash = ?", key.short_token, hash, ) .fetch_optional(& .await .context("could not query database for user")?; let user = match user { Some(u) => u, None => return util::send(conn, number, AuthenticateResponse::error("invalid key")).await, }; let world = World::from_str(&|_| anyhow::anyhow!("invalid world in db"))?; if let Some(old_client_state) = as u64)) { let mut lock = old_client_state.write().await; // this prevents the old client thread from removing info from the global state lock.user = None; lock.shutdown_tx.send(()).await.ok(); } trace!(" [authenticate] before user write"); let mut c_state = client_state.write().await; c_state.user = Some(User { lodestone_id: user.lodestone_id as u64, name:, world, hash, }); =; c_state.allow_invites = req.allow_invites; // release lock asap drop(c_state); trace!(" [authenticate] after user write"); trace!(" [authenticate] before state write 1"); state.write().await.clients.insert(user.lodestone_id as u64, Arc::clone(&client_state)); trace!(" [authenticate] before state write 2"); state.write().await.ids.insert((, util::id_from_world(world)), user.lodestone_id as u64); trace!(" [authenticate] after state writes"); if Utc::now().naive_utc().signed_duration_since(user.last_updated) >= Duration::hours(2) {; } util::send(conn, number, AuthenticateResponse::success()).await }