using ChatTwo.Util; using Dalamud.Utility.Signatures; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.System.Framework; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI.Agent; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI; namespace ChatTwo.GameFunctions; internal sealed unsafe class Party { [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 33 C0 EB 51", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _inviteToParty = null!; [Signature("48 83 EC 38 41 B1 09", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _inviteToPartyContentId = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 83 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 C0 74 62", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _inviteToPartyInInstance = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 49 8B 56 20", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _promote = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 66 49 8B 4E 20", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _kick = null!; private Plugin Plugin { get; } internal Party(Plugin plugin) { this.Plugin = plugin; this.Plugin.GameInteropProvider.InitializeFromAttributes(this); } internal void InviteSameWorld(string name, ushort world, ulong contentId) { if (this._inviteToParty == null) { return; } // 6.11: 214A55 var a1 = this.Plugin.Functions.GetInfoProxyByIndex(2); fixed (byte* namePtr = name.ToTerminatedBytes()) { // this only works if target is on the same world this._inviteToParty(a1, contentId, namePtr, world); } } internal void InviteOtherWorld(ulong contentId) { if (this._inviteToPartyContentId == null) { return; } // 6.11: 214A55 var a1 = this.Plugin.Functions.GetInfoProxyByIndex(2); if (contentId != 0) { // third param is world, but it requires a specific world // if they're not on that world, it will fail // pass 0 and it will work on any world EXCEPT for the world the // current player is on this._inviteToPartyContentId(a1, contentId, 0); } } internal void InviteInInstance(ulong contentId) { if (this._inviteToPartyInInstance == null) { return; } // 6.11: 214A55 var a1 = this.Plugin.Functions.GetInfoProxyByIndex(2); if (contentId != 0) { // third param is world, but it requires a specific world // if they're not on that world, it will fail // pass 0 and it will work on any world EXCEPT for the world the // current player is on this._inviteToPartyInInstance(a1, contentId); } } internal void Kick(string name, ulong contentId) { if (this._kick == null) { return; } var agent = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetAgentModule()->GetAgentByInternalId(AgentId.SocialPartyMember); if (agent == null) { return; } fixed (byte* namePtr = name.ToTerminatedBytes()) { this._kick(agent, namePtr, 0, contentId); } } internal void Promote(string name, ulong contentId) { if (this._promote == null) { return; } var agent = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetAgentModule()->GetAgentByInternalId(AgentId.SocialPartyMember); if (agent == null) { return; } fixed (byte* namePtr = name.ToTerminatedBytes()) { this._promote(agent, namePtr, 0, contentId); } } }