using System.Numerics; using ChatTwo.Code; using ChatTwo.Util; using Dalamud.Game.Command; using ImGuiNET; namespace ChatTwo.Ui; internal sealed class Settings : IUiComponent { private PluginUi Ui { get; } private bool _visible; private bool _hideChat; private float _fontSize; private Dictionary _chatColours = new(); private List _tabs = new(); internal Settings(PluginUi ui) { this.Ui = ui; this.Ui.Plugin.CommandManager.AddHandler("/chat2", new CommandInfo(this.Command) { HelpMessage = "Toggle the Chat 2 settings", }); } public void Dispose() { this.Ui.Plugin.CommandManager.RemoveHandler("/chat2"); } private void Command(string command, string args) { this._visible ^= true; } private void Initialise() { var config = this.Ui.Plugin.Config; this._hideChat = config.HideChat; this._fontSize = config.FontSize; this._chatColours = config.ChatColours.ToDictionary(entry => entry.Key, entry => entry.Value); this._tabs = config.Tabs.Select(tab => tab.Clone()).ToList(); } public void Draw() { if (!this._visible) { return; } if (!ImGui.Begin($"{this.Ui.Plugin.Name} settings", ref this._visible)) { ImGui.End(); return; } if (ImGui.IsWindowAppearing()) { this.Initialise(); } var height = ImGui.GetContentRegionAvail().Y - ImGui.GetStyle().FramePadding.Y * 2 - ImGui.GetStyle().ItemSpacing.Y - ImGui.GetStyle().ItemInnerSpacing.Y * 2 - ImGui.CalcTextSize("A").Y; if (ImGui.BeginChild("##chat2-settings", new Vector2(-1, height))) { ImGui.Checkbox("Hide chat", ref this._hideChat); ImGui.DragFloat("Font size", ref this._fontSize, .5f, 12f, 36f); if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx("Chat colours")) { foreach (var type in Enum.GetValues()) { if (ImGui.Button($"Default##{type}")) { this._chatColours.Remove(type); } ImGui.SameLine(); var vec = this._chatColours.TryGetValue(type, out var colour) ? ColourUtil.RgbaToVector3(colour) : ColourUtil.RgbaToVector3(type.DefaultColour() ?? 0); if (ImGui.ColorEdit3(type.Name(), ref vec, ImGuiColorEditFlags.NoInputs)) { this._chatColours[type] = ColourUtil.Vector3ToRgba(vec); } } ImGui.TreePop(); } if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx("Tabs")) { if (ImGui.Button("Add")) { this._tabs.Add(new Tab()); } for (var i = 0; i < this._tabs.Count; i++) { var tab = this._tabs[i]; if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx($"{tab.Name}###tab-{i}")) { ImGui.PushID($"tab-{i}"); ImGui.InputText("Name", ref tab.Name, 512, ImGuiInputTextFlags.EnterReturnsTrue); ImGui.Checkbox("Show unread count", ref tab.DisplayUnread); ImGui.Checkbox("Show timestamps", ref tab.DisplayTimestamp); if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx("Channels")) { foreach (var type in Enum.GetValues()) { var enabled = tab.ChatCodes.ContainsKey(type); if (ImGui.Checkbox($"##{type.Name()}-{i}", ref enabled)) { if (enabled) { tab.ChatCodes[type] = ChatSourceExt.All; } else { tab.ChatCodes.Remove(type); } } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.TreeNodeEx($"{type.Name()}##{i}")) { tab.ChatCodes.TryGetValue(type, out var sourcesEnum); var sources = (uint) sourcesEnum; foreach (var source in Enum.GetValues()) { if (ImGui.CheckboxFlags(source.ToString(), ref sources, (uint) source)) { tab.ChatCodes[type] = (ChatSource) sources; } } ImGui.TreePop(); } } ImGui.TreePop(); } ImGui.TreePop(); ImGui.PopID(); } } } ImGui.EndChild(); } ImGui.Separator(); var save = ImGui.Button("Save"); ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Save and close")) { save = true; this._visible = false; } ImGui.SameLine(); if (ImGui.Button("Discard")) { this._visible = false; } ImGui.End(); if (save) { var config = this.Ui.Plugin.Config; var hideChatChanged = this._hideChat != this.Ui.Plugin.Config.HideChat; var fontSizeChanged = Math.Abs(this._fontSize - this.Ui.Plugin.Config.FontSize) > float.Epsilon; config.HideChat = this._hideChat; config.FontSize = this._fontSize; config.ChatColours = this._chatColours; config.Tabs = this._tabs; this.Ui.Plugin.SaveConfig(); this.Ui.Plugin.Store.FilterAllTabs(); if (fontSizeChanged) { this.Ui.Plugin.Interface.UiBuilder.RebuildFonts(); } if (!this._hideChat && hideChatChanged) { this.Ui.Plugin.Functions.SetChatInteractable(true); } this.Initialise(); } } }