using System.Numerics; using ChatTwo.Code; using ChatTwo.GameFunctions.Types; using ChatTwo.Util; using Dalamud.Game.ClientState.Keys; using Dalamud.Game.Text.SeStringHandling; using Dalamud.Hooking; using Dalamud.Logging; using Dalamud.Memory; using Dalamud.Utility.Signatures; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.System.Framework; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.System.Memory; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.System.String; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI.Agent; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI.Misc; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Client.UI.Shell; using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI; using ValueType = FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI.ValueType; namespace ChatTwo.GameFunctions; internal sealed unsafe class Chat : IDisposable { // Functions [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F B7 44 37 ??", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _changeChatChannel = null!; [Signature("4C 8B 81 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4D 85 C0 74 17", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getContentIdForChatEntry = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 4D A0 8B F8")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getKeybind = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 3B F0 74 35")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getFocus = null!; [Signature("44 8B 89 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 8B C1 45 85 C9")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getTellHistory = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 4D 50 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 17")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _printTell = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 4C 24 ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 8C 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? B0 01")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _sendTell = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F6 43 0A 40")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getNetworkModule = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B C8 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 45 8D 46 FB")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getCrossLinkshellName = null!; [Signature("3B 51 10 73 0F 8B C2 48 83 C0 0B")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getLinkshellInfo = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 8B C0 FF C3")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getLinkshellName = null!; [Signature("40 56 41 54 41 55 41 57 48 83 EC 28 48 8B 01", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _rotateLinkshellHistory; [Signature("48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 57 41 56 41 57 48 83 EC 20 48 8B 01 44 8B F2", Fallibility = Fallibility.Fallible)] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _rotateCrossLinkshellHistory; [Signature("48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 20 8B F2 48 8D B9")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _getColourInfo = null!; [Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 0A 48 8D 4C 24 ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 8D")] private readonly delegate* unmanaged _sanitiseString = null!; // Hooks private delegate byte ChatLogRefreshDelegate(IntPtr log, ushort eventId, AtkValue* value); private delegate IntPtr ChangeChannelNameDelegate(IntPtr agent); private delegate void ReplyInSelectedChatModeDelegate(AgentInterface* agent); private delegate byte SetChatLogTellTarget(IntPtr a1, Utf8String* name, Utf8String* a3, ushort world, ulong contentId, ushort a6, byte a7); [Signature( "40 53 56 57 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 33 C4 48 89 84 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? 49 8B F0 8B FA", DetourName = nameof(ChatLogRefreshDetour) )] private Hook? ChatLogRefreshHook { get; init; } [Signature( "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? BA ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 4D B0 48 8B F8 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 8B D6", DetourName = nameof(ChangeChannelNameDetour) )] private Hook? ChangeChannelNameHook { get; init; } [Signature( "48 89 5C 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 30 8B B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B D9 83 FF FE", DetourName = nameof(ReplyInSelectedChatModeDetour) )] private Hook? ReplyInSelectedChatModeHook { get; init; } [Signature( "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 8B 7C 24 ?? EB 34", DetourName = nameof(SetChatLogTellTargetDetour) )] private Hook? SetChatLogTellTargetHook { get; init; } // Offsets #pragma warning disable 0649 [Signature("8B B9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B D9 83 FF FE 0F 84", Offset = 2)] private readonly int? _replyChannelOffset; [Signature("89 83 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 01 83 FE 13 7C 05 41 8B D4 EB 03 83 CA FF FF 90", Offset = 2)] private readonly int? _shellChannelOffset; [Signature("4C 8D B6 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 8B 1E 45 85 E4 74 7A 33 FF 8B EF 66 0F 1F 44 00", Offset = 3)] private readonly int? _linkshellCycleOffset; [Signature("BA ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B F0 48 85 C0 0F 84 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 10 33", Offset = 1)] private readonly uint? _linkshellInfoProxyIdx; [Signature("BA ?? ?? ?? ?? E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 4C 8B E0 48 89 74 24", Offset = 1)] private readonly uint? _crossLinkshellInfoProxyIdx; #pragma warning restore 0649 // Pointers [Signature("48 8D 15 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F B6 C8 48 8D 05", ScanType = ScanType.StaticAddress)] private readonly char* _currentCharacter = null!; [Signature("48 8D 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B 14 ?? 85 D2 7E ?? 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 83 C1 10 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B 70 ?? 41 8D 4D", ScanType = ScanType.StaticAddress)] private IntPtr ColourLookup { get; init; } // Events internal delegate void ChatActivatedEventDelegate(ChatActivatedArgs args); internal event ChatActivatedEventDelegate? Activated; private Plugin Plugin { get; } internal (InputChannel channel, List name) Channel { get; private set; } internal Chat(Plugin plugin) { this.Plugin = plugin; SignatureHelper.Initialise(this); this.ChatLogRefreshHook?.Enable(); this.ChangeChannelNameHook?.Enable(); this.ReplyInSelectedChatModeHook?.Enable(); this.SetChatLogTellTargetHook?.Enable(); this.Plugin.Framework.Update += this.InterceptKeybinds; this.Plugin.ClientState.Login += this.Login; this.Login(null, null); } public void Dispose() { this.Plugin.ClientState.Login -= this.Login; this.Plugin.Framework.Update -= this.InterceptKeybinds; this.SetChatLogTellTargetHook?.Dispose(); this.ReplyInSelectedChatModeHook?.Dispose(); this.ChangeChannelNameHook?.Dispose(); this.ChatLogRefreshHook?.Dispose(); this.Activated = null; } internal string? GetLinkshellName(uint idx) { if (this._linkshellInfoProxyIdx is not { } proxyIdx) { return null; } var infoProxy = this.Plugin.Functions.GetInfoProxyByIndex(proxyIdx); if (infoProxy == IntPtr.Zero) { return null; } var lsInfo = this._getLinkshellInfo(infoProxy, idx); if (lsInfo == null) { return null; } var utf = this._getLinkshellName(infoProxy, *lsInfo); return utf == null ? null : MemoryHelper.ReadStringNullTerminated((IntPtr) utf); } internal string? GetCrossLinkshellName(uint idx) { if (this._crossLinkshellInfoProxyIdx is not { } proxyIdx) { return null; } var infoProxy = this.Plugin.Functions.GetInfoProxyByIndex(proxyIdx); if (infoProxy == IntPtr.Zero) { return null; } var utf = this._getCrossLinkshellName(infoProxy, idx); return utf == null ? null : utf->ToString(); } internal ulong RotateLinkshellHistory(RotateMode mode) { if (mode == RotateMode.None && this._linkshellCycleOffset != null) { // for the branch at 6.08: 5E1680 var uiModule = (IntPtr) Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule(); *(int*) (uiModule + this._linkshellCycleOffset.Value) = -1; } return RotateLinkshellHistoryInternal(this._rotateLinkshellHistory, mode); } internal ulong RotateCrossLinkshellHistory(RotateMode mode) => RotateLinkshellHistoryInternal(this._rotateCrossLinkshellHistory, mode); private static ulong RotateLinkshellHistoryInternal(delegate* unmanaged func, RotateMode mode) { // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse if (func == null) { return 0; } var idx = mode switch { RotateMode.Forward => 1, RotateMode.Reverse => -1, _ => 0, }; var uiModule = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule(); return func(uiModule, idx); } // This function looks up a channel's user-defined colour. // // If this function would ever return 0, it returns null instead. internal uint? GetChannelColour(ChatType type) { if (this._getColourInfo == null || this.ColourLookup == IntPtr.Zero) { return null; } // Colours are retrieved by looking up their code in a lookup table. Some codes share a colour, so they're lumped into a parent code here. // Only codes >= 10 (say) have configurable colours. // After getting the lookup value for the code, it is passed into a function with a handler which returns a pointer. // This pointer + 32 is the RGB value. This functions returns RGBA with A always max. var parent = new ChatCode((ushort) type).Parent(); switch (parent) { case ChatType.Debug: case ChatType.Urgent: case ChatType.Notice: return type.DefaultColour(); } var framework = (IntPtr) Framework.Instance(); var lookupResult = *(uint*) (this.ColourLookup + (int) parent * 4); var info = this._getColourInfo(framework + 16, lookupResult); var rgb = *(uint*) (info + 32) & 0xFFFFFF; if (rgb == 0) { return null; } return 0xFF | (rgb << 8); } private readonly Dictionary _keybinds = new(); internal IReadOnlyDictionary Keybinds => this._keybinds; internal static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary KeybindsToIntercept = new Dictionary { ["CMD_CHAT"] = new(null), ["CMD_COMMAND"] = new(null, text: "/"), ["CMD_REPLY"] = new(InputChannel.Tell, rotate: RotateMode.Forward), ["CMD_REPLY_REV"] = new(InputChannel.Tell, rotate: RotateMode.Reverse), ["CMD_SAY"] = new(InputChannel.Say), ["CMD_YELL"] = new(InputChannel.Yell), ["CMD_SHOUT"] = new(InputChannel.Shout), ["CMD_PARTY"] = new(InputChannel.Party), ["CMD_ALLIANCE"] = new(InputChannel.Alliance), ["CMD_FREECOM"] = new(InputChannel.FreeCompany), ["PVPTEAM_CHAT"] = new(InputChannel.PvpTeam), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell1, rotate: RotateMode.Forward), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_REV"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell1, rotate: RotateMode.Reverse), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_1"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell1), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_2"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell2), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_3"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell3), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_4"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell4), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_5"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell5), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_6"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell6), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_7"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell7), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_8"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell8), ["CMD_LINKSHELL"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell1, rotate: RotateMode.Forward), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_REV"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell1, rotate: RotateMode.Reverse), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_1"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell1), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_2"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell2), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_3"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell3), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_4"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell4), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_5"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell5), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_6"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell6), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_7"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell7), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_8"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell8), ["CMD_BEGINNER"] = new(InputChannel.NoviceNetwork), ["CMD_REPLY_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Tell, true, RotateMode.Forward), ["CMD_REPLY_REV_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Tell, true, RotateMode.Reverse), ["CMD_SAY_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Say, true), ["CMD_YELL_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Yell, true), ["CMD_PARTY_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Party, true), ["CMD_ALLIANCE_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Alliance, true), ["CMD_FREECOM_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.FreeCompany, true), ["PVPTEAM_CHAT_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.PvpTeam, true), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell1, true, RotateMode.Forward), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_ALWAYS_REV"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell1, true, RotateMode.Reverse), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_1_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell1, true), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_2_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell2, true), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_3_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell3, true), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_4_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell4, true), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_5_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell5, true), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_6_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell6, true), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_7_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell7, true), ["CMD_CWLINKSHELL_8_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.CrossLinkshell8, true), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell1, true, RotateMode.Forward), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_REV_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell1, true, RotateMode.Reverse), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_1_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell1, true), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_2_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell2, true), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_3_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell3, true), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_4_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell4, true), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_5_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell5, true), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_6_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell6, true), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_7_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell7, true), ["CMD_LINKSHELL_8_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.Linkshell8, true), ["CMD_BEGINNER_ALWAYS"] = new(InputChannel.NoviceNetwork, true), }; private bool _inputFocused; private int _graceFrames; private void CheckFocus() { void Decrement() { if (this._graceFrames > 0) { this._graceFrames -= 1; } else { this._inputFocused = false; } } // 6.08: CB8F27 var isTextInputActivePtr = *(bool**) ((IntPtr) AtkStage.GetSingleton() + 0x28) + 0x188E; if (isTextInputActivePtr == null) { Decrement(); return; } if (*isTextInputActivePtr) { this._inputFocused = true; this._graceFrames = 60; } else { Decrement(); } } private void UpdateKeybinds() { foreach (var name in KeybindsToIntercept.Keys) { var keybind = this.GetKeybind(name); if (keybind is null) { continue; } this._keybinds[name] = keybind; } } private void InterceptKeybinds(Dalamud.Game.Framework framework) { this.CheckFocus(); this.UpdateKeybinds(); if (this._inputFocused) { return; } var modifierState = (ModifierFlag) 0; foreach (var modifier in Enum.GetValues()) { var modifierKey = GetKeyForModifier(modifier); if (modifierKey != VirtualKey.NO_KEY && this.Plugin.KeyState[modifierKey]) { modifierState |= modifier; } } var turnedOff = new Dictionary(); foreach (var toIntercept in KeybindsToIntercept.Keys) { if (!this.Keybinds.TryGetValue(toIntercept, out var keybind)) { continue; } void Intercept(VirtualKey key, ModifierFlag modifier) { if (!this.Plugin.KeyState.IsVirtualKeyValid(key)) { return; } var modifierPressed = this.Plugin.Config.KeybindMode switch { KeybindMode.Strict => modifier == modifierState, KeybindMode.Flexible => modifierState.HasFlag(modifier), _ => false, }; if (!modifierPressed) { return; } if (!this.Plugin.KeyState[key]) { return; } var bits = BitOperations.PopCount((uint) modifier); if (!turnedOff.TryGetValue(key, out var previousBits) || previousBits.Item1 < bits) { turnedOff[key] = ((uint) bits, toIntercept); } } Intercept(keybind.Key1, keybind.Modifier1); Intercept(keybind.Key2, keybind.Modifier2); } foreach (var (key, (_, keybind)) in turnedOff) { this.Plugin.KeyState[key] = false; if (!KeybindsToIntercept.TryGetValue(keybind, out var info)) { continue; } try { this.Activated?.Invoke(new ChatActivatedArgs(info) { TellReason = TellReason.Reply, }); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError(ex, "Error in chat Activated event"); } } } private void Login(object? sender, EventArgs? e) { if (this.ChangeChannelNameHook == null) { return; } var agent = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetAgentModule()->GetAgentByInternalId(AgentId.ChatLog); if (agent == null) { return; } this.ChangeChannelNameDetour((IntPtr) agent); } private byte ChatLogRefreshDetour(IntPtr log, ushort eventId, AtkValue* value) { if (eventId != 0x31 || value == null || value->UInt is not (0x05 or 0x0C)) { return this.ChatLogRefreshHook!.Original(log, eventId, value); } string? input = null; var option = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetConfigModule()->GetValue(ConfigOption.DirectChat); if (option != null) { var directChat = option->Int > 0; if (directChat && this._currentCharacter != null) { // FIXME: this whole system sucks var c = *this._currentCharacter; if (c != '\0' && !char.IsControl(c)) { input = c.ToString(); } } } string? addIfNotPresent = null; var str = value + 2; if (str != null && ((int) str->Type & 0xF) == (int) ValueType.String && str->String != null) { var add = MemoryHelper.ReadStringNullTerminated((IntPtr) str->String); if (add.Length > 0) { addIfNotPresent = add; } } try { var args = new ChatActivatedArgs(new ChannelSwitchInfo(null)) { AddIfNotPresent = addIfNotPresent, Input = input, }; this.Activated?.Invoke(args); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError(ex, "Error in chat Activated event"); } // prevent the game from focusing the chat log return 1; } private IntPtr ChangeChannelNameDetour(IntPtr agent) { // Last ShB patch // +0x40 = chat channel (byte or uint?) // channel is 17 (maybe 18?) for tells // +0x48 = pointer to channel name string var ret = this.ChangeChannelNameHook!.Original(agent); if (agent == IntPtr.Zero) { return ret; } // E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8D 48 F7 // RaptureShellModule + 0xFD0 var shellModule = (IntPtr) Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetRaptureShellModule(); if (shellModule == IntPtr.Zero) { return ret; } var channel = 0u; if (this._shellChannelOffset != null) { channel = *(uint*) (shellModule + this._shellChannelOffset.Value); } // var channel = *(uint*) (agent + 0x40); if (channel is 17 or 18) { channel = 0; } SeString? name = null; var namePtrPtr = (byte**) (agent + 0x48); if (namePtrPtr != null) { var namePtr = *namePtrPtr; name = MemoryHelper.ReadSeStringNullTerminated((IntPtr) namePtr); if (name.Payloads.Count == 0) { name = null; } } if (name == null) { return ret; } var nameChunks = ChunkUtil.ToChunks(name, ChunkSource.None, null).ToList(); if (nameChunks.Count > 0 && nameChunks[0] is TextChunk text) { text.Content = text.Content.TrimStart('\uE01E').TrimStart(); } this.Channel = ((InputChannel) channel, nameChunks); return ret; } private void ReplyInSelectedChatModeDetour(AgentInterface* agent) { if (this._replyChannelOffset == null) { goto Original; } var replyMode = *(int*) ((IntPtr) agent + this._replyChannelOffset.Value); if (replyMode == -2) { goto Original; } this.SetChannel((InputChannel) replyMode); Original: this.ReplyInSelectedChatModeHook!.Original(agent); } private byte SetChatLogTellTargetDetour(IntPtr a1, Utf8String* name, Utf8String* a3, ushort world, ulong contentId, ushort reason, byte a7) { if (name != null) { try { var target = new TellTarget(name->ToString(), world, contentId, (TellReason) reason); this.Activated?.Invoke(new ChatActivatedArgs(new ChannelSwitchInfo(InputChannel.Tell)) { TellReason = (TellReason) reason, TellTarget = target, }); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError(ex, "Error in chat Activated event"); } } return this.SetChatLogTellTargetHook!.Original(a1, name, a3, world, contentId, reason, a7); } internal ulong? GetContentIdForEntry(uint index) { if (this._getContentIdForChatEntry == null) { return null; } return this._getContentIdForChatEntry(Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetRaptureLogModule(), index); } internal void SetChannel(InputChannel channel, string? tellTarget = null) { if (this._changeChatChannel == null) { return; } var target = Utf8String.FromString(tellTarget ?? ""); var idx = channel.LinkshellIndex(); if (idx == uint.MaxValue) { idx = 0; } this._changeChatChannel(RaptureShellModule.Instance, (int) channel, idx, target, 1); target->Dtor(); IMemorySpace.Free(target); } private static VirtualKey GetKeyForModifier(ModifierFlag modifierFlag) => modifierFlag switch { ModifierFlag.Shift => VirtualKey.SHIFT, ModifierFlag.Ctrl => VirtualKey.CONTROL, ModifierFlag.Alt => VirtualKey.MENU, _ => VirtualKey.NO_KEY, }; private Keybind? GetKeybind(string id) { var agent = (IntPtr) Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetAgentModule()->GetAgentByInternalId(AgentId.Configkey); if (agent == IntPtr.Zero) { return null; } var a1 = *(void**) (agent + 0x78); if (a1 == null) { return null; } var outData = stackalloc byte[32]; var idString = Utf8String.FromString(id); this._getKeybind((IntPtr) a1, idString, (IntPtr) outData); idString->Dtor(); IMemorySpace.Free(idString); var key1 = (VirtualKey) outData[0]; if (key1 is VirtualKey.F23) { key1 = VirtualKey.OEM_2; } var key2 = (VirtualKey) outData[2]; if (key2 is VirtualKey.F23) { key2 = VirtualKey.OEM_2; } return new Keybind { Key1 = key1, Modifier1 = (ModifierFlag) outData[1], Key2 = key2, Modifier2 = (ModifierFlag) outData[3], }; } internal TellHistoryInfo? GetTellHistoryInfo(int index) { var acquaintanceModule = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetAcquaintanceModule(); if (acquaintanceModule == null) { return null; } var ptr = this._getTellHistory(acquaintanceModule, index); if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero) { return null; } var name = MemoryHelper.ReadStringNullTerminated(*(IntPtr*) ptr); var world = *(ushort*) (ptr + 0xD0); var contentId = *(ulong*) (ptr + 0xD8); return new TellHistoryInfo(name, world, contentId); } internal void SendTell(TellReason reason, ulong contentId, string name, ushort homeWorld, string message) { var uName = Utf8String.FromString(name); var uMessage = Utf8String.FromString(message); var networkModule = this._getNetworkModule(Framework.Instance()); var a1 = *(IntPtr*) (networkModule + 8); var logModule = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetRaptureLogModule(); this._printTell(logModule, 33, uName, uMessage, contentId, homeWorld, 255, 0, 0); this._sendTell(a1, contentId, homeWorld, uName, uMessage, (byte) reason, homeWorld); uName->Dtor(); IMemorySpace.Free(uName); uMessage->Dtor(); IMemorySpace.Free(uMessage); } internal bool IsCharValid(char c) { var uC = Utf8String.FromString(c.ToString()); this._sanitiseString(uC, 0x27F, IntPtr.Zero); var wasValid = uC->ToString().Length > 0; uC->Dtor(); IMemorySpace.Free(uC); return wasValid; } }