using System.Numerics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using ChatTwo.Ui; using Dalamud.Interface; using Dalamud.Interface.GameFonts; using ImGuiNET; namespace ChatTwo; internal sealed class PluginUi : IDisposable { internal Plugin Plugin { get; } internal bool SettingsVisible; internal bool ScreenshotMode; internal string Salt { get; } internal GameFontHandle? Axis { get; private set; } internal GameFontHandle? AxisItalic { get; private set; } internal ImFontPtr? RegularFont { get; private set; } internal ImFontPtr? ItalicFont { get; private set; } internal Vector4 DefaultText { get; private set; } internal Tab? CurrentTab { get { var i = this._chatLog.LastTab; if (i > -1 && i < this.Plugin.Config.Tabs.Count) { return this.Plugin.Config.Tabs[i]; } return null; } } private List Components { get; } private ImFontConfigPtr _fontCfg; private ImFontConfigPtr _fontCfgMerge; private (GCHandle, int, float) _regularFont; private (GCHandle, int, float) _italicFont; private (GCHandle, int, float) _jpFont; private (GCHandle, int) _gameSymFont; private ImVector _ranges; private ImVector _jpRange; private GCHandle _symRange = GCHandle.Alloc( new ushort[] { 0xE020, 0xE0DB, 0, }, GCHandleType.Pinned ); private readonly ChatLog _chatLog; internal unsafe PluginUi(Plugin plugin) { this.Plugin = plugin; this.Salt = new Random().Next().ToString(); this._chatLog = new ChatLog(this); this.Components = new List { new Settings(this), this._chatLog, }; this._fontCfg = new ImFontConfigPtr(ImGuiNative.ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig()) { FontDataOwnedByAtlas = false, }; this._fontCfgMerge = new ImFontConfigPtr(ImGuiNative.ImFontConfig_ImFontConfig()) { FontDataOwnedByAtlas = false, MergeMode = true, }; this.SetUpRanges(); this.SetUpUserFonts(); var gameSym = new HttpClient().GetAsync("") .Result .Content .ReadAsByteArrayAsync() .Result; this._gameSymFont = ( GCHandle.Alloc(gameSym, GCHandleType.Pinned), gameSym.Length ); var uiBuilder = this.Plugin.Interface.UiBuilder; uiBuilder.DisableCutsceneUiHide = true; uiBuilder.DisableGposeUiHide = true; uiBuilder.BuildFonts += this.BuildFonts; uiBuilder.Draw += this.Draw; uiBuilder.RebuildFonts(); } public void Dispose() { this.Plugin.Interface.UiBuilder.Draw -= this.Draw; this.Plugin.Interface.UiBuilder.BuildFonts -= this.BuildFonts; foreach (var component in this.Components) { component.Dispose(); } if (this._regularFont.Item1.IsAllocated) { this._regularFont.Item1.Free(); } if (this._italicFont.Item1.IsAllocated) { this._italicFont.Item1.Free(); } if (this._jpFont.Item1.IsAllocated) { this._jpFont.Item1.Free(); } if (this._gameSymFont.Item1.IsAllocated) { this._gameSymFont.Item1.Free(); } if (this._symRange.IsAllocated) { this._symRange.Free(); } this._fontCfg.Destroy(); this._fontCfgMerge.Destroy(); } private void Draw() { if (this.Plugin.Config.DatabaseMigration != Configuration.LatestDbVersion) { return; } this.Plugin.Interface.UiBuilder.DisableUserUiHide = !this.Plugin.Config.HideWhenUiHidden; this.DefaultText = ImGui.GetStyle().Colors[(int) ImGuiCol.Text]; var font = this.RegularFont.HasValue; var pushed = font && this.Plugin.Config.FontsEnabled; var axis = !this.Plugin.Config.FontsEnabled && (this.Axis?.Available ?? false); if (pushed) { ImGui.PushFont(this.RegularFont!.Value); } else if (axis) { ImGui.PushFont(this.Axis!.ImFont); } foreach (var component in this.Components) { try { component.Draw(); } catch (Exception ex) { Plugin.Log.Error(ex, "Error drawing component"); } } if (pushed || axis) { ImGui.PopFont(); } } private byte[] GetResource(string name) { var stream = this.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name)!; var memory = new MemoryStream(); stream.CopyTo(memory); return memory.ToArray(); } private unsafe void SetUpRanges() { ImVector BuildRange(IReadOnlyList? chars, params IntPtr[] ranges) { var builder = new ImFontGlyphRangesBuilderPtr(ImGuiNative.ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder_ImFontGlyphRangesBuilder()); // text foreach (var range in ranges) { builder.AddRanges(range); } // chars if (chars != null) { for (var i = 0; i < chars.Count; i += 2) { if (chars[i] == 0) { break; } for (var j = (uint) chars[i]; j <= chars[i + 1]; j++) { builder.AddChar((ushort) j); } } } // various symbols builder.AddText("←→↑↓《》■※☀★★☆♥♡ヅツッシ☀☁☂℃℉°♀♂♠♣♦♣♧®©™€$£♯♭♪✓√◎◆◇♦■□〇●△▽▼▲‹›≤≥<«“”─\~"); // French builder.AddText("Œœ"); // Romanian builder.AddText("ĂăÂâÎîȘșȚț"); // "Enclosed Alphanumerics" (partial) for (var i = 0x2460; i <= 0x24B5; i++) { builder.AddChar((char) i); } builder.AddChar('⓪'); var result = new ImVector(); builder.BuildRanges(out result); builder.Destroy(); return result; } var ranges = new List { ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.GetGlyphRangesDefault(), }; foreach (var extraRange in Enum.GetValues()) { if (this.Plugin.Config.ExtraGlyphRanges.HasFlag(extraRange)) { ranges.Add(extraRange.Range()); } } this._ranges = BuildRange(null, ranges.ToArray()); this._jpRange = BuildRange(GlyphRangesJapanese.GlyphRanges); } private void SetUpUserFonts() { FontData? fontData = null; if (this.Plugin.Config.GlobalFont.StartsWith(Fonts.IncludedIndicator)) { var globalFont = Fonts.GlobalFonts.FirstOrDefault(font => font.Name == this.Plugin.Config.GlobalFont); if (globalFont != null) { var regular = new FaceData(this.GetResource(globalFont.ResourcePath), 1f); var italic = new FaceData(this.GetResource(globalFont.ResourcePathItalic), 1f); fontData = new FontData(regular, italic); } } else { fontData = Fonts.GetFont(this.Plugin.Config.GlobalFont, true); } if (fontData == null) { this.Plugin.Config.GlobalFont = Fonts.GlobalFonts[0].Name; this.Plugin.SaveConfig(); var globalFont = Fonts.GlobalFonts[0]; var regular = new FaceData(this.GetResource(globalFont.ResourcePath), 1f); var italic = new FaceData(this.GetResource(globalFont.ResourcePathItalic), 1f); fontData = new FontData(regular, italic); } if (this._regularFont.Item1.IsAllocated) { this._regularFont.Item1.Free(); } if (this._italicFont.Item1.IsAllocated) { this._italicFont.Item1.Free(); } this._regularFont = ( GCHandle.Alloc(fontData.Regular.Data, GCHandleType.Pinned), fontData.Regular.Data.Length, fontData.Regular.Ratio ); this._italicFont = ( GCHandle.Alloc(fontData.Italic!.Data, GCHandleType.Pinned), fontData.Italic.Data.Length, fontData.Italic.Ratio ); FontData? jpFontData = null; if (this.Plugin.Config.JapaneseFont.StartsWith(Fonts.IncludedIndicator)) { var jpFont = Fonts.JapaneseFonts.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Item1 == this.Plugin.Config.JapaneseFont); if (jpFont != default) { jpFontData = new FontData( new FaceData(this.GetResource(jpFont.Item2), 1f), null ); } } else { jpFontData = Fonts.GetFont(this.Plugin.Config.JapaneseFont, false); } if (jpFontData == null) { this.Plugin.Config.JapaneseFont = Fonts.JapaneseFonts[0].Item1; this.Plugin.SaveConfig(); var jpFont = Fonts.JapaneseFonts[0]; jpFontData = new FontData( new FaceData(this.GetResource(jpFont.Item2), 1f), null ); } if (this._jpFont.Item1.IsAllocated) { this._jpFont.Item1.Free(); } this._jpFont = ( GCHandle.Alloc(jpFontData.Regular.Data, GCHandleType.Pinned), jpFontData.Regular.Data.Length, jpFontData.Regular.Ratio ); } private void BuildFonts() { this.RegularFont = null; this.ItalicFont = null; this.SetUpRanges(); this.SetUpUserFonts(); this.Axis = this.Plugin.Interface.UiBuilder.GetGameFontHandle(new GameFontStyle(GameFontFamily.Axis, this.Plugin.Config.FontSize)); this.AxisItalic = this.Plugin.Interface.UiBuilder.GetGameFontHandle(new GameFontStyle(GameFontFamily.Axis, this.Plugin.Config.FontSize) { SkewStrength = this.Plugin.Config.FontSize / 6, }); // load regular noto sans and merge in jp + game icons this.RegularFont = ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontFromMemoryTTF( this._regularFont.Item1.AddrOfPinnedObject(), this._regularFont.Item2, this.Plugin.Config.FontSize, this._fontCfg, this._ranges.Data ); ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontFromMemoryTTF( this._jpFont.Item1.AddrOfPinnedObject(), this._jpFont.Item2, this.Plugin.Config.JapaneseFontSize, this._fontCfgMerge, this._jpRange.Data ); ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontFromMemoryTTF( this._gameSymFont.Item1.AddrOfPinnedObject(), this._gameSymFont.Item2, this.Plugin.Config.SymbolsFontSize, this._fontCfgMerge, this._symRange.AddrOfPinnedObject() ); // load italic noto sans and merge in jp + game icons this.ItalicFont = ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontFromMemoryTTF( this._italicFont.Item1.AddrOfPinnedObject(), this._italicFont.Item2, this.Plugin.Config.FontSize, this._fontCfg, this._ranges.Data ); ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontFromMemoryTTF( this._jpFont.Item1.AddrOfPinnedObject(), this._jpFont.Item2, this.Plugin.Config.JapaneseFontSize, this._fontCfgMerge, this._jpRange.Data ); ImGui.GetIO().Fonts.AddFontFromMemoryTTF( this._gameSymFont.Item1.AddrOfPinnedObject(), this._gameSymFont.Item2, this.Plugin.Config.SymbolsFontSize, this._fontCfgMerge, this._symRange.AddrOfPinnedObject() ); } }