Compare commits


No commits in common. "aaa605e8061af55021fbca3173bf3cbf4126e777" and "6a8afc96cecfeaca0182f63dcdbd7f7a35d04cc2" have entirely different histories.

4 changed files with 95 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -47,8 +47,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="JetBrains.Annotations" Version="2021.3.0"/>
<PackageReference Include="XivCommon" Version="4.0.0"/>
<PackageReference Include="XivCommon" Version="4.0.0-alpha.2" />

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@ -20,65 +20,71 @@ internal unsafe class GameFunctions : IDisposable {
private static class Signatures {
internal const string ChatLogRefresh = "40 53 56 57 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 33 C4 48 89 84 24 ?? ?? ?? ?? 49 8B F0 8B FA";
internal const string ChangeChannelName = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? BA ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 4D B0 48 8B F8 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 8B D6";
internal const string ChangeChatChannel = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F B7 44 37 ??";
// Context menu
internal const string CurrentChatEntryOffset = "8B 77 ?? 8D 46 01 89 47 14 81 FE ?? ?? ?? ?? 72 03 FF 47";
internal const string GetContentIdForChatEntry = "4C 8B 81 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4D 85 C0 74 17";
internal const string Indexer = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B FD 8B CD";
internal const string InviteToParty = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 33 C0 EB 51";
internal const string FriendRequestBool = "40 53 48 83 EC 20 48 8B D9 48 8B 49 10 48 8B 01 FF 90 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 48 48";
internal const string AgentContextYesNo = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B CB E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 84 C0 74 3A";
internal const string InviteToNoviceNetwork = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B CB E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 45 33 C9";
internal const string TryOn = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 35 BA";
internal const string LinkItem = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 7B 49 8B 06";
internal const string ItemComparisonThing = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B 6E 20";
internal const string ItemComparison = "E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 3F 83 F8 FE";
private delegate byte ChatLogRefreshDelegate(IntPtr log, ushort eventId, AtkValue* value);
private delegate IntPtr ChangeChannelNameDelegate(IntPtr agent);
private delegate IntPtr ChangeChatChannelDelegate(RaptureShellModule* shell, int channel, uint linkshellIdx, Utf8String* tellTarget, byte one);
private delegate ulong GetContentIdForChatEntryDelegate(RaptureLogModule* log, uint index);
private delegate IntPtr InviteToPartyDelegate(IntPtr a1, ulong contentId, byte* playerName, ushort playerWorld);
private delegate IntPtr AgentContextYesNoDelegate(AgentInterface* context, uint a2, byte* playerName, ushort playerWorld, uint a5, byte a6);
private delegate byte InviteToNoviceNetworkDelegate(IntPtr a1, ulong contentId, ushort playerWorld, byte* playerName);
internal delegate void ChatActivatedEventDelegate(string? input);
#region Functions
private delegate byte TryOnDelegate(uint unknownCanEquip, uint itemBaseId, ulong stainColor, uint itemGlamourId, byte unknownByte);
[Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F B7 44 37 ??")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<RaptureShellModule*, int, uint, Utf8String*, byte, void> _changeChatChannel;
private delegate IntPtr LinkItemDelegate(AgentInterface* agentChatLog, uint itemId);
[Signature("4C 8B 81 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4D 85 C0 74 17")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<RaptureLogModule*, uint, ulong> _getContentIdForChatEntry;
[Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B FD 8B CD")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, uint, IntPtr> _indexer;
[Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 33 C0 EB 51")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, ulong, byte*, ushort, void> _inviteToParty;
[Signature(("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B CB E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 45 33 C9"))]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, ulong, ushort, byte*, byte> _inviteToNoviceNetwork;
[Signature("40 53 48 83 EC 20 48 8B D9 48 8B 49 10 48 8B 01 FF 90 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 48 48")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<AgentInterface*, byte> _friendRequestBool;
[Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 35 BA")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<uint, uint, ulong, uint, byte, byte> _tryOn;
[Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 7B 49 8B 06")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<AgentInterface*, uint, void> _linkItem;
[Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 3F 83 F8 FE")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<AgentInterface*, ushort, uint, byte, void> _itemComparison;
[Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 B4 01")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, uint, void> _searchForRecipesUsingItem;
[Signature("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB 45 45 33 C9")]
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<void*, uint, byte, void> _searchForItem;
private delegate IntPtr ItemComparisonDelegate(IntPtr a1, ushort a2, uint itemId, byte a4);
internal const int HqItemOffset = 1_000_000;
private Plugin Plugin { get; }
private Hook<ChatLogRefreshDelegate>? ChatLogRefreshHook { get; }
private Hook<ChangeChannelNameDelegate>? ChangeChannelNameHook { get; }
private readonly ChangeChatChannelDelegate? _changeChatChannel;
private readonly GetContentIdForChatEntryDelegate? _getContentIdForChatEntry;
private readonly int? _currentChatEntryOffset;
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, uint, IntPtr> _indexer;
private readonly InviteToPartyDelegate? _inviteToParty;
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<AgentInterface*, byte> _friendRequestBool;
private readonly AgentContextYesNoDelegate? _agentContextYesNo;
private readonly InviteToNoviceNetworkDelegate? _inviteToNoviceNetwork;
private readonly TryOnDelegate? _tryOn;
private readonly LinkItemDelegate? _linkItem;
private readonly delegate* unmanaged<AgentInterface*, uint, IntPtr> _itemComparisonThing;
private readonly ItemComparisonDelegate? _itemComparison;
internal event ChatActivatedEventDelegate? ChatActivated;
internal (InputChannel channel, List<Chunk> name) ChatChannel { get; private set; }
@ -86,8 +92,6 @@ internal unsafe class GameFunctions : IDisposable {
internal GameFunctions(Plugin plugin) {
this.Plugin = plugin;
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.ChatLogRefresh, out var chatLogPtr)) {
this.ChatLogRefreshHook = new Hook<ChatLogRefreshDelegate>(chatLogPtr, this.ChatLogRefreshDetour);
@ -98,14 +102,54 @@ internal unsafe class GameFunctions : IDisposable {
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.ChangeChatChannel, out var changeChannelPtr)) {
this._changeChatChannel = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<ChangeChatChannelDelegate>(changeChannelPtr);
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.CurrentChatEntryOffset, out var entryOffsetPtr)) {
this._currentChatEntryOffset = *(byte*) (entryOffsetPtr + 2);
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.Indexer, out var indexerPtr)) {
this._indexer = (delegate* unmanaged<IntPtr, uint, IntPtr>) indexerPtr;
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.GetContentIdForChatEntry, out var getContentIdPtr)) {
this._getContentIdForChatEntry = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<GetContentIdForChatEntryDelegate>(getContentIdPtr);
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.InviteToParty, out var invitePtr)) {
this._inviteToParty = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<InviteToPartyDelegate>(invitePtr);
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.FriendRequestBool, out var frBoolPtr)) {
this._friendRequestBool = (delegate* unmanaged<AgentInterface*, byte>) frBoolPtr;
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.AgentContextYesNo, out var sendFriendRequestPtr)) {
this._agentContextYesNo = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<AgentContextYesNoDelegate>(sendFriendRequestPtr);
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.InviteToNoviceNetwork, out var nnPtr)) {
this._inviteToNoviceNetwork = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<InviteToNoviceNetworkDelegate>(nnPtr);
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.TryOn, out var tryOnPtr)) {
this._tryOn = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<TryOnDelegate>(tryOnPtr);
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.LinkItem, out var linkPtr)) {
this._linkItem = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<LinkItemDelegate>(linkPtr);
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.ItemComparisonThing, out var comparisonThingPtr)) {
this._itemComparisonThing = (delegate* unmanaged<AgentInterface*, uint, IntPtr>) comparisonThingPtr;
if (this.Plugin.SigScanner.TryScanText(Signatures.ItemComparison, out var comparisonPtr)) {
this._itemComparison = Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer<ItemComparisonDelegate>(comparisonPtr);
this.Plugin.ClientState.Login += this.Login;
this.Login(null, null);
@ -140,11 +184,7 @@ internal unsafe class GameFunctions : IDisposable {
internal ulong? GetContentIdForChatLogEntry(uint index) {
if (this._getContentIdForChatEntry == null) {
return null;
return this._getContentIdForChatEntry(Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetRaptureLogModule(), index);
return this._getContentIdForChatEntry?.Invoke(Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetRaptureLogModule(), index);
internal void InviteToParty(string name, ushort world) {
@ -374,58 +414,26 @@ internal unsafe class GameFunctions : IDisposable {
return ret;
// These context menu things come from AgentChatLog.vf0 at the bottom
// 0x10000: item comparison
// 0x10001: try on
// 0x10002: search for item
// 0x10003: link
// 0x10005: copy item name
// 0x10006: search recipes using this material
internal void TryOn(uint itemId, byte stainId) {
if (this._tryOn == null) {
this._tryOn(0xFF, itemId, stainId, 0, 0);
this._tryOn?.Invoke(0xFF, itemId, stainId, 0, 0);
internal void LinkItem(uint itemId) {
if (this._linkItem == null) {
var agent = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetAgentModule()->GetAgentByInternalId(AgentId.ChatLog);
this._linkItem?.Invoke(agent, itemId);
internal void OpenItemComparison(uint itemId) {
if (this._itemComparisonThing == null || this._itemComparison == null) {
var agent = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetAgentModule()->GetAgentByInternalId(AgentId.ChatLog);
this._linkItem(agent, itemId);
internal void OpenItemComparison(uint itemId) {
if (this._itemComparison == null) {
var a1 = this._itemComparisonThing(agent, 152);
if (a1 == IntPtr.Zero) {
var agent = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetAgentModule()->GetAgentByInternalId(AgentId.ItemCompare);
this._itemComparison(agent, 0x4D, itemId, 0);
internal void SearchForRecipesUsingItem(uint itemId) {
if (this._searchForRecipesUsingItem == null) {
var uiModule = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule();
var vf35 = (delegate* unmanaged<UIModule*, IntPtr>) uiModule->vfunc[35];
var a1 = vf35(uiModule);
this._searchForRecipesUsingItem(a1, itemId);
internal void SearchForItem(uint itemId) {
if (this._searchForItem == null) {
var itemFinder = Framework.Instance()->GetUiModule()->GetItemFinderModule();
this._searchForItem(itemFinder, itemId, 1);
this._itemComparison(a1, 0x4D, itemId, 0);

View File

@ -241,16 +241,6 @@ internal sealed class PayloadHandler {
if (item.Item.ItemSearchCategory.Value?.Category == 3) {
if (ImGui.Selectable("Search Recipes Using This Material")) {
if (ImGui.Selectable("Search for Item")) {
if (ImGui.Selectable("Link")) {

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
using System.Reflection;
using Dalamud.Game;
using Dalamud.Logging;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
namespace ChatTwo.Util;
internal static class SigFinder {
internal static void ScanFunctions(this SigScanner scanner, object self) {
var selfType = self.GetType();
var funcs = selfType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Select(field => (field, field.GetCustomAttribute<SignatureAttribute>()))
.Where(tuple => tuple.Item2 != null);
foreach (var (field, attr) in funcs) {
if (!scanner.TryScanText(attr!.Signature, out var ptr)) {
PluginLog.LogWarning($"Could not find signature for {selfType.Name}.{field.Name}: {attr.Signature}");
field.SetValue(self, ptr);
[MeansImplicitUse(ImplicitUseKindFlags.Assign, ImplicitUseTargetFlags.Itself)]
internal class SignatureAttribute : Attribute {
internal readonly string Signature;
internal SignatureAttribute(string signature) {
this.Signature = signature;