
261 lines
11 KiB

use crate::win_c as c;
use libc::c_void;
use alloc::alloc::{GlobalAlloc, Layout};
use core::ptr;
use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicPtr, Ordering};
pub struct System;
// Heap memory management on Windows is done by using the system Heap API (heapapi.h)
// See
// Flag to indicate that the memory returned by `HeapAlloc` should be zeroed.
const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY: c::DWORD = 0x00000008;
const MIN_ALIGN: usize = 16;
extern "system" {
// Get a handle to the default heap of the current process, or null if the operation fails.
// SAFETY: Successful calls to this function within the same process are assumed to
// always return the same handle, which remains valid for the entire lifetime of the process.
// See
fn GetProcessHeap() -> c::HANDLE;
// Allocate a block of `dwBytes` bytes of memory from a given heap `hHeap`.
// The allocated memory may be uninitialized, or zeroed if `dwFlags` is
// set to `HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY`.
// Returns a pointer to the newly-allocated memory or null if the operation fails.
// The returned pointer will be aligned to at least `MIN_ALIGN`.
// - `hHeap` must be a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`.
// - `dwFlags` must be set to either zero or `HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY`.
// Note that `dwBytes` is allowed to be zero, contrary to some other allocators.
// See
fn HeapAlloc(hHeap: c::HANDLE, dwFlags: c::DWORD, dwBytes: c::SIZE_T) -> c::LPVOID;
// Reallocate a block of memory behind a given pointer `lpMem` from a given heap `hHeap`,
// to a block of at least `dwBytes` bytes, either shrinking the block in place,
// or allocating at a new location, copying memory, and freeing the original location.
// Returns a pointer to the reallocated memory or null if the operation fails.
// The returned pointer will be aligned to at least `MIN_ALIGN`.
// If the operation fails the given block will never have been freed.
// - `hHeap` must be a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`.
// - `dwFlags` must be set to zero.
// - `lpMem` must be a non-null pointer to an allocated block returned by `HeapAlloc` or
// `HeapReAlloc`, that has not already been freed.
// If the block was successfully reallocated at a new location, pointers pointing to
// the freed memory, such as `lpMem`, must not be dereferenced ever again.
// Note that `dwBytes` is allowed to be zero, contrary to some other allocators.
// See
fn HeapReAlloc(
hHeap: c::HANDLE,
dwFlags: c::DWORD,
lpMem: c::LPVOID,
dwBytes: c::SIZE_T,
) -> c::LPVOID;
// Free a block of memory behind a given pointer `lpMem` from a given heap `hHeap`.
// Returns a nonzero value if the operation is successful, and zero if the operation fails.
// - `hHeap` must be a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`.
// - `dwFlags` must be set to zero.
// - `lpMem` must be a pointer to an allocated block returned by `HeapAlloc` or `HeapReAlloc`,
// that has not already been freed.
// If the block was successfully freed, pointers pointing to the freed memory, such as `lpMem`,
// must not be dereferenced ever again.
// Note that `lpMem` is allowed to be null, which will not cause the operation to fail.
// See
fn HeapFree(hHeap: c::HANDLE, dwFlags: c::DWORD, lpMem: c::LPVOID) -> c::BOOL;
// Cached handle to the default heap of the current process.
// Either a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`, or null when not yet initialized or `GetProcessHeap` failed.
static HEAP: AtomicPtr<c_void> = AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut());
// Get a handle to the default heap of the current process, or null if the operation fails.
// If this operation is successful, `HEAP` will be successfully initialized and contain
// a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`.
fn init_or_get_process_heap() -> c::HANDLE {
let heap = HEAP.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
if heap.is_null() {
// `HEAP` has not yet been successfully initialized
let heap = unsafe { GetProcessHeap() };
if !heap.is_null() {
// SAFETY: No locking is needed because within the same process,
// successful calls to `GetProcessHeap` will always return the same value, even on different threads., Ordering::Release);
// SAFETY: `HEAP` contains a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`
} else {
// Could not get the current process heap.
} else {
// SAFETY: `HEAP` contains a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`
// Get a non-null handle to the default heap of the current process.
// SAFETY: `HEAP` must have been successfully initialized.
unsafe fn get_process_heap() -> c::HANDLE {
// Header containing a pointer to the start of an allocated block.
// SAFETY: Size and alignment must be <= `MIN_ALIGN`.
struct Header(*mut u8);
// Allocate a block of optionally zeroed memory for a given `layout`.
// SAFETY: Returns a pointer satisfying the guarantees of `System` about allocated pointers,
// or null if the operation fails. If this returns non-null `HEAP` will have been successfully
// initialized.
unsafe fn allocate(layout: Layout, zeroed: bool) -> *mut u8 {
let heap = init_or_get_process_heap();
if heap.is_null() {
// Allocation has failed, could not get the current process heap.
return ptr::null_mut();
// Allocated memory will be either zeroed or uninitialized.
let flags = if zeroed { HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY } else { 0 };
if layout.align() <= MIN_ALIGN {
// SAFETY: `heap` is a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`.
// The returned pointer points to the start of an allocated block.
HeapAlloc(heap, flags, layout.size()) as *mut u8
} else {
// Allocate extra padding in order to be able to satisfy the alignment.
let total = layout.align() + layout.size();
// SAFETY: `heap` is a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`.
let ptr = HeapAlloc(heap, flags, total) as *mut u8;
if ptr.is_null() {
// Allocation has failed.
return ptr::null_mut();
// Create a correctly aligned pointer offset from the start of the allocated block,
// and write a header before it.
let offset = layout.align() - (ptr as usize & (layout.align() - 1));
// SAFETY: `MIN_ALIGN` <= `offset` <= `layout.align()` and the size of the allocated
// block is `layout.align() + layout.size()`. `aligned` will thus be a correctly aligned
// pointer inside the allocated block with at least `layout.size()` bytes after it and at
// least `MIN_ALIGN` bytes of padding before it.
let aligned = ptr.add(offset);
// SAFETY: Because the size and alignment of a header is <= `MIN_ALIGN` and `aligned`
// is aligned to at least `MIN_ALIGN` and has at least `MIN_ALIGN` bytes of padding before
// it, it is safe to write a header directly before it.
ptr::write((aligned as *mut Header).offset(-1), Header(ptr));
// SAFETY: The returned pointer does not point to the to the start of an allocated block,
// but there is a header readable directly before it containing the location of the start
// of the block.
// All pointers returned by this allocator have, in addition to the guarantees of `GlobalAlloc`, the
// following properties:
// If the pointer was allocated or reallocated with a `layout` specifying an alignment <= `MIN_ALIGN`
// the pointer will be aligned to at least `MIN_ALIGN` and point to the start of the allocated block.
// If the pointer was allocated or reallocated with a `layout` specifying an alignment > `MIN_ALIGN`
// the pointer will be aligned to the specified alignment and not point to the start of the allocated block.
// Instead there will be a header readable directly before the returned pointer, containing the actual
// location of the start of the block.
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for System {
unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
// SAFETY: Pointers returned by `allocate` satisfy the guarantees of `System`
let zeroed = false;
allocate(layout, zeroed)
unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout) {
let block = {
if layout.align() <= MIN_ALIGN {
} else {
// The location of the start of the block is stored in the padding before `ptr`.
// SAFETY: Because of the contract of `System`, `ptr` is guaranteed to be non-null
// and have a header readable directly before it.
ptr::read((ptr as *mut Header).offset(-1)).0
// SAFETY: because `ptr` has been successfully allocated with this allocator,
// `HEAP` must have been successfully initialized.
let heap = get_process_heap();
// SAFETY: `heap` is a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`,
// `block` is a pointer to the start of an allocated block.
HeapFree(heap, 0, block as c::LPVOID);
unsafe fn alloc_zeroed(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
// SAFETY: Pointers returned by `allocate` satisfy the guarantees of `System`
let zeroed = true;
allocate(layout, zeroed)
unsafe fn realloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, layout: Layout, new_size: usize) -> *mut u8 {
if layout.align() <= MIN_ALIGN {
// SAFETY: because `ptr` has been successfully allocated with this allocator,
// `HEAP` must have been successfully initialized.
let heap = get_process_heap();
// SAFETY: `heap` is a non-null handle returned by `GetProcessHeap`,
// `ptr` is a pointer to the start of an allocated block.
// The returned pointer points to the start of an allocated block.
HeapReAlloc(heap, 0, ptr as c::LPVOID, new_size) as *mut u8
} else {
// SAFETY: `realloc_fallback` is implemented using `dealloc` and `alloc`, which will
// correctly handle `ptr` and return a pointer satisfying the guarantees of `System`
realloc_fallback(self, ptr, layout, new_size)
pub unsafe fn realloc_fallback(
alloc: &System,
ptr: *mut u8,
old_layout: Layout,
new_size: usize,
) -> *mut u8 {
// Docs for GlobalAlloc::realloc require this to be valid:
let new_layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(new_size, old_layout.align());
let new_ptr = GlobalAlloc::alloc(alloc, new_layout);
if !new_ptr.is_null() {
let size = core::cmp::min(old_layout.size(), new_size);
ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(ptr, new_ptr, size);
GlobalAlloc::dealloc(alloc, ptr, old_layout);