using Dalamud.Game.Chat; using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling; using Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling.Payloads; using Dalamud.Game.Internal; using Dalamud.Plugin; using Lumina.Data; using Lumina.Excel; using Lumina.Excel.GeneratedSheets; using MessagePack; using Sodium; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Channels; using System.Threading.Tasks; using XIVChatCommon; namespace XIVChatPlugin { public class Server : IDisposable { private readonly Plugin plugin; private readonly CancellationTokenSource tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); private readonly ConcurrentQueue toGame = new ConcurrentQueue(); private readonly ConcurrentDictionary clients = new ConcurrentDictionary(); public IReadOnlyDictionary Clients => this.clients; public readonly Channel>> pendingClients = Channel.CreateUnbounded>>(); private readonly HashSet WaitingForFriendList = new HashSet(); private readonly LinkedList Backlog = new LinkedList(); private TcpListener listener; private bool sendPlayerData = false; private volatile bool _running = false; public bool Running { get => this._running; set => this._running = value; } private InputChannel currentChannel = InputChannel.Say; private const int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 128_000; public Server(Plugin plugin) { this.plugin = plugin ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(plugin), "Plugin cannot be null"); if (this.plugin.Config.KeyPair == null) { this.RegenerateKeyPair(); } this.plugin.Functions.ReceiveFriendList += this.OnReceiveFriendList; } private async void OnReceiveFriendList(List friends) { var msg = new ServerPlayerList { Type = PlayerListType.Friend, Players = friends.ToArray(), }; foreach (var id in this.WaitingForFriendList) { if (!this.Clients.TryGetValue(id, out var client)) { continue; } try { await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(client.Conn.GetStream(), client.Handshake.Keys.tx, msg, client.TokenSource.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError($"Could not send message: {ex.Message}"); } } this.WaitingForFriendList.Clear(); } public void Spawn() { var ip = IPAddress.Parse(""); var port = this.plugin.Config.Port; Task.Run(async () => { this.listener = new TcpListener(ip, port); this.listener.Start(); this._running = true; PluginLog.Log("Running..."); while (!this.tokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { var conn = await this.listener.GetTcpClient(this.tokenSource); this.SpawnClientTask(conn); } this._running = false; }); } public void RegenerateKeyPair() { this.plugin.Config.KeyPair = PublicKeyBox.GenerateKeyPair(); this.plugin.Config.Save(); } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Style", "IDE0060:Remove unused parameter", Justification = "delegate")] public void OnChat(XivChatType type, uint senderId, ref SeString sender, ref SeString message, ref bool isHandled) { if (isHandled) { return; } var chatCode = new ChatCode((ushort)type); if (!this.plugin.Config.SendBattle && chatCode.IsBattle()) { return; } var chunks = new List(); if (sender.Payloads.Count > 0) { // FIXME: can't get format straight from game until Lumina stops returning LogKind.Format as a string (it's an SeString) // var format = this.FormatFor(chatCode.Type); var format = chatCode.NameFormat(); if (format != null && format.IsPresent) { chunks.Add(new TextChunk { FallbackColour = chatCode.DefaultColour(), Content = format.Before, }); chunks.AddRange(ToChunks(sender, chatCode.DefaultColour())); chunks.Add(new TextChunk { FallbackColour = chatCode.DefaultColour(), Content = format.After, }); } } chunks.AddRange(ToChunks(message, chatCode.DefaultColour())); var msg = new ServerMessage { Timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow, Channel = (ChatType)type, Sender = sender.Encode(), Content = message.Encode(), Chunks = chunks, }; this.Backlog.AddLast(msg); while (this.Backlog.Count > this.plugin.Config.BacklogCount) { this.Backlog.RemoveFirst(); } foreach (var client in this.clients.Values) { client.Queue.Writer.TryWrite(msg); } } [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Style", "IDE0060:Remove unused parameter", Justification = "delegate")] public void OnFrameworkUpdate(Framework framework) { if (this.sendPlayerData && this.plugin.Interface.ClientState.LocalPlayer != null) { this.BroadcastPlayerData(); this.sendPlayerData = false; } if (!this.toGame.TryDequeue(out var message)) { return; } this.plugin.Functions.ProcessChatBox(message); } private void SpawnClientTask(TcpClient conn) { if (conn == null) { return; } Task.Run(async () => { var stream = conn.GetStream(); var handshake = await KeyExchange.ServerHandshake(this.plugin.Config.KeyPair, stream); var newClient = new Client(conn) { Handshake = handshake, }; // if this public key isn't trusted, prompt first if (!this.plugin.Config.TrustedKeys.Values.Any(entry => entry.Item2.SequenceEqual(handshake.RemotePublicKey))) { var accepted = Channel.CreateBounded(1); await this.pendingClients.Writer.WriteAsync(Tuple.Create(newClient, accepted)); if (!await accepted.Reader.ReadAsync()) { return; } } var id = Guid.NewGuid(); newClient.Connected = true; this.clients[id] = newClient; // send availability var available = this.plugin.Interface.ClientState.LocalPlayer != null; try { await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(stream, handshake.Keys.tx, new Availability(available)); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError($"Could not send message: {ex.Message}"); } // send player data try { await this.SendPlayerData(newClient); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError($"Could not send message: {ex.Message}"); } // send current channel try { var channel = this.currentChannel; await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(stream, handshake.Keys.tx, new ServerChannel( channel, this.LocalisedChannelName(channel) )); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError($"Could not send message: {ex.Message}"); } var listen = Task.Run(async () => { conn.ReceiveTimeout = 5_000; while (this.clients.TryGetValue(id, out var client) && client.Connected && !client.TokenSource.IsCancellationRequested && conn.Connected) { byte[] msg; try { msg = await SecretMessage.ReadSecretMessage(stream, handshake.Keys.rx, client.TokenSource.Token); } catch (SocketException ex) when (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut) { continue; } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError($"Could not read message: {ex.Message}"); continue; } var op = (ClientOperation)msg[0]; var payload = new byte[msg.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(msg, 1, payload, 0, payload.Length); switch (op) { case ClientOperation.Ping: try { await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(stream, handshake.Keys.tx, Pong.Instance, client.TokenSource.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError($"Could not send message: {ex.Message}"); } break; case ClientOperation.Message: var clientMessage = ClientMessage.Decode(payload); foreach (var part in Wrap(clientMessage.Content)) { this.toGame.Enqueue(part); } break; case ClientOperation.Shutdown: client.Disconnect(); break; case ClientOperation.Backlog: var backlog = ClientBacklog.Decode(payload); var backlogMessages = new List(); var node = this.Backlog.Last; while (node != null) { if (backlogMessages.Count >= backlog.Amount) { break; } backlogMessages.Add(node.Value); node = node.Previous; } backlogMessages.Reverse(); await this.SendBacklogs(backlogMessages.ToArray(), stream, client); break; case ClientOperation.CatchUp: var catchUp = ClientCatchUp.Decode(payload); // I'm not sure why this needs to be done, but apparently it does var after = catchUp.After.AddMilliseconds(1); var msgs = this.MessagesAfter(after); await this.SendBacklogs(msgs, stream, client); break; case ClientOperation.PlayerList: var playerList = ClientPlayerList.Decode(payload); if (playerList.Type == PlayerListType.Friend) { this.WaitingForFriendList.Add(id); if (!this.plugin.Functions.RequestingFriendList && !this.plugin.Functions.RequestFriendList()) { this.plugin.Interface.Framework.Gui.Chat.PrintError($"[{this.plugin.Name}] Please open your friend list to enable friend list support. You should only need to do this on initial install or after updates."); } } break; } } }); while (this.clients.TryGetValue(id, out var client) && client.Connected && !client.TokenSource.IsCancellationRequested && conn.Connected) { try { var msg = await client.Queue.Reader.ReadAsync(client.TokenSource.Token); await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(stream, handshake.Keys.tx, msg, client.TokenSource.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError($"Could not send message: {ex.Message}"); } } try { conn.Close(); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { } await listen; this.clients.TryRemove(id, out var _); PluginLog.Log($"Client thread ended: {id}"); }); } private static readonly Regex colorRegex = new Regex(@"", RegexOptions.Compiled); private Dictionary Formats { get; } = new Dictionary(); [Sheet("LogKind")] class LogKind : IExcelRow { public byte Unknown0; public byte[] Format; public bool Unknown2; public uint RowId { get; set; } public uint SubRowId { get; set; } public void PopulateData(RowParser parser, Lumina.Lumina lumina, Language language) { this.RowId = parser.Row; this.SubRowId = parser.SubRow; this.Unknown0 = parser.ReadColumn(0); this.Format = parser.ReadColumn(1); this.Unknown2 = parser.ReadColumn(2); } } private NameFormatting FormatFor(ChatType type) { if (this.Formats.TryGetValue(type, out var cached)) { return cached; } var logKind = this.plugin.Interface.Data.GetExcelSheet().GetRow((ushort)type); if (logKind == null) { return null; } var sestring = this.plugin.Interface.SeStringManager.Parse(logKind.Format); //PluginLog.Log(string.Join("", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(logKind.Format).Select(b => b.ToString("x2")))); //var sestring = this.plugin.Interface.SeStringManager.Parse(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(logKind.Format)); //var format = colorRegex.Replace(logKind.Format, "") // .Replace("", "") // .Replace("", "") // .Replace("", ""); return NameFormatting.Empty(); //if (format.IndexOf("StringParameter(1)") == -1) { // return NameFormatting.Empty(); //} //var parts = format.Split(new string[] { "StringParameter(1)" }, StringSplitOptions.None); //var nameFormatting = NameFormatting.Of( // before: parts[0], // after: parts[1].Split(new string[] { "StringParameter(2)" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0] //); //this.Formats[type] = nameFormatting; //return nameFormatting; } private async Task SendBacklogs(ServerMessage[] messages, NetworkStream stream, Client client) { var size = 5 + SecretMessage.MacSize(); // assume 5 bytes for payload lead-in, although it's likely to be less var responseMessages = new List(); async Task SendBacklog() { var resp = new ServerBacklog(responseMessages.ToArray()); try { await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(stream, client.Handshake.Keys.tx, resp, client.TokenSource.Token); } catch (Exception ex) { PluginLog.LogError($"Could not send backlog: {ex.Message}"); } } foreach (var catchUpMessage in messages) { // FIXME: this is very gross var len = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(catchUpMessage).Length; // send message if it would've gone over length if (size + len >= MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) { await SendBacklog(); size = 5 + SecretMessage.MacSize(); responseMessages.Clear(); } size += len; responseMessages.Add(catchUpMessage); } if (responseMessages.Count > 0) { await SendBacklog(); } } private static List ToChunks(SeString msg, uint? defaultColour) { var chunks = new List(); var italic = false; var foreground = new Stack(); var glow = new Stack(); void Append(string text) { chunks.Add(new TextChunk { FallbackColour = defaultColour, Foreground = foreground.Count > 0 ? foreground.Peek() : (uint?)null, Glow = glow.Count > 0 ? glow.Peek() : (uint?)null, Italic = italic, Content = text, }); } foreach (var payload in msg.Payloads) { switch (payload.Type) { case PayloadType.EmphasisItalic: var newStatus = ((EmphasisItalicPayload)payload).IsEnabled; italic = newStatus; break; case PayloadType.UIForeground: var foregroundPayload = (UIForegroundPayload)payload; if (foregroundPayload.IsEnabled) { foreground.Push(foregroundPayload.UIColor.UIForeground); } else if (foreground.Count > 0) { foreground.Pop(); } break; case PayloadType.UIGlow: var glowPayload = (UIGlowPayload)payload; if (glowPayload.IsEnabled) { glow.Push(glowPayload.UIColor.UIGlow); } else if (glow.Count > 0) { glow.Pop(); } break; case PayloadType.AutoTranslateText: chunks.Add(new IconChunk { Index = 54 }); var autoText = ((AutoTranslatePayload)payload).Text; Append(autoText.Substring(2, autoText.Length - 4)); chunks.Add(new IconChunk { Index = 55 }); break; case PayloadType.Icon: var index = ((IconPayload)payload).IconIndex; chunks.Add(new IconChunk { Index = (byte)index }); break; // FIXME: use ITextProvider directly once it's exposed case PayloadType.RawText: Append(((TextPayload)payload).Text); break; case PayloadType.Unknown: var rawPayload = (RawPayload)payload; if (rawPayload.Data[1] == 0x13) { foreground.Pop(); glow.Pop(); } break; //default: // var textProviderType = typeof(SeString).Assembly.GetType("Dalamud.Game.Chat.SeStringHandling.ITextProvider"); // var textProp = textProviderType.GetProperty("Text", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); // var text = (string)textProp.GetValue(payload); // append(text); // break; } } return chunks; } private ServerMessage[] MessagesAfter(DateTime time) => this.Backlog.Where(msg => msg.Timestamp > time).ToArray(); private static string[] Wrap(string input) { const int LIMIT = 500; if (input.Length <= LIMIT) { return new string[] { input }; } string prefix = string.Empty; if (input.StartsWith("/")) { var space = input.IndexOf(' '); if (space != -1) { prefix = input.Substring(0, space); input = input.Substring(space + 1); } } var parts = new List(); var builder = new StringBuilder(LIMIT); foreach (var word in input.Split(' ')) { if (word.Length > LIMIT) { int wordParts = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)word.Length / LIMIT); for (int i = 0; i < wordParts; i++) { var start = i == 0 ? 0 : (i * LIMIT); var partLength = LIMIT; if (prefix.Length != 0) { start = start == 0 ? 0 : (start - (prefix.Length + 1) * i); partLength = partLength - prefix.Length - 1; } var part = word.Length - start < partLength ? word.Substring(start) : word.Substring(start, partLength); if (part.Length == 0) { continue; } if (prefix.Length != 0) { part = prefix + " " + part; } parts.Add(part); } continue; } if (builder.Length + word.Length > LIMIT) { parts.Add(builder.ToString().TrimEnd(' ')); builder.Clear(); } if (builder.Length == 0 && prefix.Length != 0) { builder.Append(prefix); builder.Append(' '); } builder.Append(word); builder.Append(' '); } if (builder.Length != 0) { parts.Add(builder.ToString().TrimEnd(' ')); } return parts.ToArray(); } private void BroadcastMessage(IEncodable message) { foreach (var client in this.Clients.Values) { if (client.Handshake == null || client.Conn == null) { continue; } Task.Run(async () => { await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(client.Conn.GetStream(), client.Handshake.Keys.tx, message); }); } } private string LocalisedChannelName(InputChannel channel) { uint rowId; switch (channel) { case InputChannel.Tell: rowId = 3; break; case InputChannel.Say: rowId = 1; break; case InputChannel.Party: rowId = 4; break; case InputChannel.Alliance: rowId = 17; break; case InputChannel.Yell: rowId = 16; break; case InputChannel.Shout: rowId = 2; break; case InputChannel.FreeCompany: rowId = 7; break; case InputChannel.PvpTeam: rowId = 19; break; case InputChannel.NoviceNetwork: rowId = 18; break; case InputChannel.CrossLinkshell1: rowId = 20; break; case InputChannel.CrossLinkshell2: rowId = 300; break; case InputChannel.CrossLinkshell3: rowId = 301; break; case InputChannel.CrossLinkshell4: rowId = 302; break; case InputChannel.CrossLinkshell5: rowId = 303; break; case InputChannel.CrossLinkshell6: rowId = 304; break; case InputChannel.CrossLinkshell7: rowId = 305; break; case InputChannel.CrossLinkshell8: rowId = 306; break; case InputChannel.Linkshell1: rowId = 8; break; case InputChannel.Linkshell2: rowId = 9; break; case InputChannel.Linkshell3: rowId = 10; break; case InputChannel.Linkshell4: rowId = 11; break; case InputChannel.Linkshell5: rowId = 12; break; case InputChannel.Linkshell6: rowId = 13; break; case InputChannel.Linkshell7: rowId = 14; break; case InputChannel.Linkshell8: rowId = 15; break; default: rowId = 0; break; }; return this.plugin.Interface.Data.GetExcelSheet().GetRow(rowId).Name; } public void OnChatChannelChange(uint channel) { var inputChannel = (InputChannel)channel; this.currentChannel = inputChannel; var localisedName = this.LocalisedChannelName(inputChannel); var msg = new ServerChannel(inputChannel, localisedName); this.BroadcastMessage(msg); } private void BroadcastAvailability(bool available) { this.BroadcastMessage(new Availability(available)); } private PlayerData GeneratePlayerData() { var player = this.plugin.Interface.ClientState.LocalPlayer; if (player == null) { return null; } var homeWorld = player.HomeWorld.GameData.Name; var currentWorld = player.CurrentWorld.GameData.Name; var territory = this.plugin.Interface.Data.GetExcelSheet().GetRow(this.plugin.Interface.ClientState.TerritoryType); var location = territory.PlaceName.Value.Name; var name = player.Name; return new PlayerData(homeWorld, currentWorld, location, name); } private async Task SendPlayerData(Client client) { var playerData = this.GeneratePlayerData(); if (playerData == null) { return; } await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(client.Conn.GetStream(), client.Handshake.Keys.tx, playerData); } private void BroadcastPlayerData() { var playerData = this.GeneratePlayerData(); if (playerData == null) { this.BroadcastMessage(EmptyPlayerData.Instance); return; } this.BroadcastMessage(playerData); } public void OnLogIn(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.BroadcastAvailability(true); // send player data on next framework update this.sendPlayerData = true; } public void OnLogOut(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.BroadcastAvailability(false); this.BroadcastPlayerData(); } public void OnTerritoryChange(object sender, ushort territoryId) => this.BroadcastPlayerData(); public void Dispose() { // stop accepting new clients this.tokenSource.Cancel(); foreach (var client in this.clients.Values) { Task.Run(async () => { // tell clients we're shutting down if (client.Handshake != null) { try { // time out after 5 seconds client.Conn.SendTimeout = 5_000; await SecretMessage.SendSecretMessage(client.Conn.GetStream(), client.Handshake.Keys.tx, ServerShutdown.Instance); } catch (Exception) { } } // cancel threads for open clients client.TokenSource.Cancel(); }); } this.plugin.Functions.ReceiveFriendList -= this.OnReceiveFriendList; } } public class Client { public bool Connected { get; set; } = false; public TcpClient Conn { get; private set; } public HandshakeInfo Handshake { get; set; } public CancellationTokenSource TokenSource { get; } = new CancellationTokenSource(); public Channel Queue { get; } = Channel.CreateUnbounded(); public Client(TcpClient conn) { this.Conn = conn; } public void Disconnect() { this.Connected = false; this.TokenSource.Cancel(); this.Conn.Close(); } } internal static class TcpListenerExt { public static async Task GetTcpClient(this TcpListener listener, CancellationTokenSource source) { using (source.Token.Register(listener.Stop)) { try { var client = await listener.AcceptTcpClientAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); return client; } catch (ObjectDisposedException ex) { // Token was canceled - swallow the exception and return null if (source.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return null; } throw ex; } } } } }